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Over the next few days Lena's worries of having powers quickly left her mind. Kara kept reassuring her that she'd always be by her side no matter what happened. Today they were sitting together in Kara's office going over the guest list for their wedding. "Where will they all stay?" Lena asked. "There's a couple hotels in Midvale they can stay at. You know you'll have to get ready in Alex's room." Kara stated. "I know...its gonna be weird sleeping without for one night. Then getting ready without you there." Lena grumbled. "I know...but mom will bring up some breakfast so we'll be able to eat...not that I'll be able to eat...I'll be nervous." Kara replied. "You not eating? I can't believe you'd be nervous enough not to eat." Lena teased. That got them laughing as they lay back against the sofa.

A little while later they were finalizing their guest list and finalized the food list and the music they'd listen to at the reception. "That's it! Our wedding is planned! Now we just have to wait one more month and we'll be married..and on our honeymoon!" Lena stated wagging her eyebrows at the blonde. "You're just in a hurry to see me in my bikini!" Kara groaned. "Yes I am! I won't deny it!" Lena exclaimed.

They remained on the sofa while just talking about everything from the wedding to if they should move out of the penthouse when Alex and Sam walked in. "Hey brides to be!" Alex exclaimed. "Hey!" They both called back. "Whats left to go over?" Sam asked. "Nothing. We just finalized the guest list, booked everyone's hotel rooms, and finalized the food and music. All thats left is to get our gowns and your dresses." Lena replied. "That's great!" Alex replied with a smile.

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