After a lovely dinner everyone returned to the house for the night. "Oh my goodness it's so beautiful here!" Lena cooed as she and Kara stood on their balcony. "Indeed it is. Shall we go for a walk?" Kara asked. "Mmmm....I think we should wait till tomorrow night. I don't know about you love, but I'm sleepy." Lena replied. "Let's go to bed then Lee." Kara replied with a smile. The two of them settled into the bed before lying back on the pillows. "Good night love." Kara whispered. "Good night darling." Lena replied with a smile as she sank into Kara's chest. Sleep over took the woman who had smile on their faces.
In the morning Kara woke up and silently slipped downstairs to make breakfast for everyone. A few minutes later she felt arms wrapping around her waist and lips peppering kisses on her neck. "Hey beautiful!" Kara whispered. "Good morning sweetheart...hmm you weren't in bed this morning. I missed you... I think on our honeymoon I won't let you out of bed the entire time." Lena whispered. "Mmm? Is that a promise Lee?" Kara asked. "Mmhmm!" Lena replied. "Good." Kara replied turned around to take Lena in for a kiss.
"Mmm! I love you..." Lena whimpered. "I love you too darling." Kara replied as she moved back to the stove to tend the bacon she was frying. "Bacon, egg, cheese, and pepper burritos." Kara stated. "Burritos? Kara long have you been hiding the fact that you can cook?" Lena groaned. "I've been learning in secret since we began dating. I wanted to learn to do it so one day I could make you breakfast. And here I am...making my fiancé breakfast." Kara replied. "Mmmm I think I'm gonna like married life with you darling. Will you make breakfast in bed a lot?" Lena asked. "Of course darling. After you release me from the bed on our honeymoon." Kara replied with a smile.
"Oh god! Please! Nooo more cuteness! It's too early for this shit!" Alex groaned. "Coffees already made!" Kara replied. "Come on babe..let's get you some coffee and we can wait for Kara to make breakfast." Sam replied.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.