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The next morning came and both woman were awake and preparing some breakfast. "Are you feeling better today?" Kara asked as she chopped some peppers up. "Yes! I'm feeling loads better. That drink helped a lot. I'm actually looking forward to work today." Lena replied. Kara smiled. "I'm glad. So...how many omelet's would you like?" Kara asked. "Four...and salsa...and some sausages too." Lena replied. "Ok, I'm on it , why don't you get the plates out." Kara replied. Lena pulled out two plates, two sets of silverware, and two glasses for juice. "Coffee?" Kara asked. "Am I allowed to drink that while being pregnant?" Lena asked. "I don't see why not. It's not like you're carrying a normal human." Kara replied. "Ok...pour me a cup." Lena replied.

After breakfast and showers the women headed into work. "I'll see you at lunch." Kara said as she exited the car. "Bring multiple pizzas with you...or better yet I'll have Jess order them for us." Lena replied. "That works too. See you later darling. I love you!" Kara replied. "I love you too Kar!" Lena called as the suv drove away.

Kara for the most part had a fairly slow day even for a busy reporters standers. She had a few boring meetings but after that she was free to do whatever. It was now nearing noon so Kara grabbed her stuff and headed out of her office. "KIERA!" Cat yelled. "Yes miss Grant?" Kara asked carefully. "Come into my office immediately!" Cat said. Kara followed the woman into her office standing in the doorway. "As you know...at the end of this year I'll be leaving Cat Co. Shut the door." Cat replied. Kara quickly shut the door and remained standing.

"Now...I know Snapper is just waiting on me to step down since he thinks can just step into my shoes and become a power hungry man. However I'm not letting that happen. I want someone who knows how to run this the way I would. That being said...I know of only one person who will run it like that." Cat stated. "And who is that  Miss Grant?" Kara asked. "You of course! Kara...yes I know your name...but enough of that. I'm passing the reigns onto you Kara Danvers-Luthor. So over the next few weeks I want you to shadow me and continue learning the ways. You'll be accompanying me to meetings, to everything. Is that ok?" Cat asked. "Of course! I'm honored Miss Grant. Really!" Kara replied. "Cat...it's time you start calling me Cat. It'll look more professional. Now you may go see your wife. I'm sure she'll want to celebrate. So take the rest of the day off. Monday morning you'll be in here with me. I'll have a desk brought in for you. No more reporting for you Kara." Cat stated.

Kara nodded. "Thank you Mi..Cat. I won't let you down." Kara stated. "I know you won't that's why I'm making you my replacement. You're the only one I can trust to run this company properly." Cat stated.

Kara quickly made it to L Corp to find an impatient Lena pacing her office. "What took so long? Was it someone else? Are you cheating on me now that I'm pregnant?" Lena asked tears flooding her eyes. "What? No! I'm not...nor would I ever cheat on you Lena. I was getting promoted to CEO." Kara explained. Lena's head snapped up at the last sentence. "CEO? You're gonna be taking over Cat?" Lena asked. "Yes...that's what took so long darling. Cat had to explain stuff to me.  I start shadowing her Monday morning. No more reporting for me." Kara whispered as she pulled Lena into a hug. "I love you..I'm sorry...my hormones..." Lena whispered. "Hey...hey...it's ok. I understand. Now...pizza?" Kara asked. "Pizza..." Lena replied as they sank into the sofa and began eating pizza together all while talking about Kara's promotion.

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