Somewhere on a private beach in the middle of the ocean lay Kara and Lena under the sunset. "So that was absolutely amazing..." Lena stated. "Really?" Kara asked. "Oh yes...who knew we could make so much noise..." Lena replied leaning into Kara's shoulder. "Well good thing we're all alone huh..." Kara replied with a smirk. "Come darling...let's get back into our vila..I don't need to have super hearing to know you're hungry." Lena stated.
They headed into the vila and Lena began making food for them. "Mmm this looks good darling." Kara said with a smile. Lena kissed her cheek as she continued making their chicken. "What will we do tomorrow? More of what we did today?" Len asked. "If you want..." Kara replied. Lena smirked. "I'll take that as a yes." Kara replied. They ate in silence just enjoying each other's company.
After lunch they put on some simple clothes and walked the beach. "It's so beautiful here." Kara whispered. "'s gonna be a shame to go home again." Lena replied. "Well we should take some pictures to remember our time here." Kara suggested. "I like that idea. Come on...let's go sit on that log and take some selfies." Lena said. Kara wrapped her arm around Lena as they took a seat on the log. Kara took out her phone and snapped a few pictures of them together. "Whats on your mind?" Kara asked looking at Lena. "Wondering what we'll do when we return home." Lena replied.
"How do you mean?" Kara asked. "Like...will we begin trying for a baby? Or will we wait?" Lena asked. Kara gasped. "Is that what you want?" Kara asked. "Well...I mean...we've talked about why not..." Lena replied. "Ok..we can do that..." Kara replied softly. They sat together watching the waves lap the sand for a little while longer before going back to the villa to get out of the sun.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.