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Wednesday night came and with it a small gathering at Lena and Kara's place for Alex's surprise party. "When does she come again?" Sam asked. "In five minutes." Lena stated. "Ok everything's ready! Ok! That's the elevator! Everyone hide!" Kara exclaimed excitedly. Alex got off the elevator and walked toward the door. She was told to come here for dinner with her sister and her sister's girlfriend. Alex opened the door to find the penthouse pitch black inside. "Lena! Kara! I swear if you're naked again!" Alex yelled out but was quickly cut off by everyone jumping out and yelling 'SURPRISE!' Then the lights came on revealing all her friends and her girlfriend Sam. "You...you...I'm gonna kill all of you!" Alex groaned as she quickly embraced Kara in a hug. "It was Sam's idea.." Kara stated. "Technically! It was Ruby's idea to do this!" Sam added. "Don't throw me under the bus mom!" Ruby yelled.

Alex calmed down and the party began. Everyone ate pizza sitting around the living room while Alex opened her gifts. She was really surprised to see what Ruby got her. "Thank you Ruby!" The redhead stated as she hugged the young girl. "You're welcome Alex!" Ruby replied as they pulled apart. "This is from me!" Sam stated passing Alex the box. Alex opened it and her eyes got wide at the sight of the red leather jacket. "SAM! This is really amazing thank you!" Alex squealed happily as she hugged her girlfriend.

"I'm glad you like it!" Sam replied. "My gift next!" Kara stated with a smile. "Oh god! What did you get me?" Alex asked. "Oh shut up! Just open it!" Kara replied. Alex took the envelope and opened it slowly to see a piece of paper. Unfolding it she read it to herself before letting out a squeal! "A weekend at the spa! Sam! We have a weekend at a spa!" Alex exclaimed happily. "Thank you Kar! But who's gonna watch Ruby?" Alex asked. "I called Eliza and she said she'd come stay at Sam's place with her this weekend." Kara explained. "Of course she'd think of everything!" Sam added with a smile.

"And this...this is from me! Maybe you two can enjoy it on your weekend away..?" Lena said as she passed Alex a bottle of scotch. Alex thanked Lena before turning to Sam and smirking at her. "Are you ok staying with Eliza kid?" Sam asked looking at her daughter. "Of course! I love Eliza! Go mom, I'll be fine!" Ruby stated with a smile. "Ok...ok!" Sam replied.

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