The weekend came and both couples were away for their get always. Alex and Sam were in the posh spa that Kara hooked them up with while Kara and Lena were getting couples massage in another spa. The woman who were rubbing the woman's body were silent as Kara and Lena talked amongst themselves. "You know..." Lena said. "What?" Kara asked. "Doing that dare was the best decision I ever made." Lena replied. "Oh really?" Kara asked. "Yep!" Lena replied as they wrapped up in their fluffy robes and headed back to their room.
"Kar..." Lena whispered. "Hmm?" Kara hummed in response. "I was just thinking..." Lena replied softly. "About?" Kara pressed. "Just something I've been wanting to do for a while..." Lena replied with a smile. "What's that?" Kara asked. "'s really nothing Kar..let's relax now." Lena replied with a smile. Kara couldn't help but wonder what Lena was talking about. Lena knew it was time to do it. She'd been waiting for the right moment to do it and now it seemed like a good time as any. She knew that she wanted to spend forever with Kara.
Kara was in the rental house kitchen getting a glass of wine when Lena emerged from the bedroom with the ring in her pocket of her sweat pants. Kara passed Lena a glass of wine before she went sat on the sofa. "Lee? You ok? You seem nervous about something..." Kara stated. Lena just stood there sipping her wine as she contemplated on when to purpose. She already got Eliza's permission at Alex's birthday party when they were getting drinks together....
"Lee would you go grab more drinks?" Kara asked as she put the cake on the table. "Sure! Eliza? Would you help me?" Lena asked hesitantly. "Sure!" Eliza replied already knowing what the dark haired woman wanted to talk about. They headed into the kitchen and began grabbing more wine when Lena took a pause. "Lena? Is everything ok?" Eliza asked. "Uh...yes...and no..." Lena replied. Eliza seeing the nervousness in the young woman's eyes she put her hand onto Lena's. "What is it you want to ask?" Eliza stated. Lena's eyes went wide at the question, swallowing her nerves down Lena began speaking. "I know it's only been six months since Kara and I started dating, but I'm completely in love with her. I know she's the one I want to spend forever with...but before I ask her that...I'd like to know if I could have your blessing to do so? I've already got the ring and everything...and I know when I want to do it..." Lena rambled.
Eliza pulled the stuttering woman into a thigh hug before saying... "Of course you have my blessing! Welcome to the family Lena!" Eliza exclaimed happily. "Oh...thank you!" Lena replied softly. She showed Eliza the ring quickly before pocketing it again and returning to the party...
End flashback...
Lena put her hand in the pocket with the ring in it and walked over to where Kara sat. Putting her wine down Lena sat next to the blonde biting her lip. 'It's now or never Luthor!' She told herself.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.