That next afternoon Kara arrived at Lena's office with a large bag of Big Belly Burger and two shakes. On chocolate and one strawberry. "Hey Lee!" Kara said greeting her. "Hey darling. Ohh thank god! You remembered!" Lena cooed as she walked to the sofa and pulled out her burger. "Of course I did babe. How's your day going?" Kara asked. "It's so stressful. With the holidays coming up the paperwork is piling up. Which reminds me...what are your plans for Thanksgiving?" Lena asked. Kara swallowed her drink before responding. "We're gong to Midvale. Why?" Kara asked. "Just curious..." Lena replied. "You know you can come with me, right? Eliza loves you." Kara added. "Ok...what should I bring?" Lena asked. "A healthy appetite. Eliza does all the cooking. We just go spend time with her and eat." Kara replied with a smile. "Ok darling, you twisted my arm. When are we leaving?" Lena asked.
"Well Thanksgiving is in a couple months so we can talk to Alex at our next game night." Kara replied. "Works for me." Lena replied with a smile. They continued talking about their day they were experiencing before Kara had to leave to return to work. "I'll see you at five!" Lena called after the blonde. "See you then Lee!" Kara called back as she stepped onto the elevator. Lena smiled to herself as she returned to work. She had everything planned out. Kara and her had been together now going on five months. They lived together so this was the official next step.
Kara sat behind her desk and proofread her article on the increase in rent in the low income parts of the city when there was knock on her door. "It's open!" Kara called. The door swung open and in stepped Sam Arias. "Sam? Why aren't you at L Corp?" Kara asked curiously. "I came to see you." She replied. "Ok? What about?" Kara asked. " I need your help getting Alex a birthday gift...." Sam stated. "Oh? Ok. We'll I'm free Saturday if that'll work for you." Kara suggested. "Yea Saturday's good time. Lena can come too if she wants. I just want to get her the perfect gift. Ruby's saved her money and has gotten Alex something already...and well I don't want to be out shown by my kid ya know.." Sam adds. "I understand! I think I know the perfect thing." Kara replied. "So Saturday?" Sam asks. "Yea, come by whenever and we can go." Kara replies as Sam leaves thanking her again.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.