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After work Sam came  and picked up Ruby from Cat Co. Ruby was sitting in Kara's chair practicing to be CEO of Cat Co. "Ruby? Already taking over Aunt Kara's job?" Sam asked. "Uh duh! Liam's too little to do it." Ruby replied with a smile. "It's time to go home Rubes. Aunt Lena's downstairs waiting on Aunt Kara already." Sam added. "Aunt Kara? Can we take a picture together here in your office...for my project?" Ruby asked. "Of course sweetheart! Stay sitting down I'll stand behind you." Kara said. Sam pulled her phone out and took a few pictures of them together, then Ruby gathered her things up, gave  another hug to Kara and headed to the elevator with her mom and CEO Aunt.

Downstairs Lena waited outside the suv smiling at the trio as they appeared. "Well there's my favorite CEO!" Lena gushed. "Hi Aunt Lena!" Ruby replied with a smile. "Have fun did you Rubes?" Lena asked. "Yea! I even got to sit in Aunt Kara's chair, and ask a bunch of questions to the board members!" Ruby gushed as she walked over to the other suv. "See you later Ruby!" Kara called out waving at her. "Ready to go home love?" Lena asked wrapping her arms around her wife. "Yes love I am." Kara replied.

Once they got home Kara took Liam in her arms and followed Lena inside. "So how was Ruby? Did she find the rest of the day enjoyable?" Lena asked. "I think she did. The board loved her, they were happy to answer all her questions. They even explained what they did which was nice. I hope she gets a good grade on this project. She really worked hard on it. I'm really proud of her." Kara said with a smile. "I'm sure she'll get an 'A+' on it." Lena added. "How was Liam?" Kara asked. "He ate twice, had two diaper changes and slept most of the time." Lena added.

Liam was now in his play pen asleep once again. "Say, let's order something tonight, I'm far too tired to make anything." Lena said. "Fine with me, I'm exhausted after sowing Ruby all around Cat Co. So? What will it be? Indian? Chinese? Mexican? Italian?" Kara asked. "How about Mexican, I could go for some steak fajitas tonight." Lena replied. "I'll place the order, you go get into something more comfortable darling." Kara said. Lena gave her a loving kiss before heading to their room and changing.

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