Jess finally got a chance to hold Liam and when she did she gushed over how absolutely adorable he was. After a long lunch break Kara reluctantly left her wife and son to return to her work. "I'll see you both later. Be good for mommy Liam." Kara cooed before she turned to Lena and pulled her into a passionate kiss. "Don't work too hard darling." Kara whispered against her lips. "I won't I have the most adorable distraction here to keep me from doing too much. I'm actually surprised Sa...." Lena was cut off by Sam running into her office just then. "Where's my nephew?" Sam asked as she looked for Liam. "He's right here." Lena said pointing to the swing. "There he is...there's my sweet little nephew! How are you Liam? Has mommy and momma been nice to you?" Sam cooed.
"He's in good hands..I've got to go Lee. I love you." Kara said. "I love you too Kar." Lena replied as the blonde walked out of her office. Lena returned to see Sam now holding Liam in her arms and sitting on her sofa. "How is everything with you Sam?" Lena asked. "Everything's good. Ruby's good, Alex is good." Sam replied never taking her eyes off Liam. "You know it's his nap please put him back in the swing." Lena stated. "Oh..ok.." Sam grumbled. She lay Liam back down in his swing and returned to Lena's desk so they could go over the monthly reports.
Meanwhile back inside Cat Co Kara is busy with more paperwork that's piled up since she left for her lunch break. Leaning back in her chair she began working her way through the pile. Right now she's thankful for super speed so she can get everything done quickly and have time waste with stupid business meetings for the remainder of her day.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.