Kara had spent the entire afternoon at home with Alex painting a mural of Krypton on the nursery wall. Lena was out at lunch with Sam for most of the afternoon which gave them plenty of time to paint. "So Liam Jeremiah? That's a wonderful name. Dad would be so proud to have his name carried on in yours and Lena's son." Alex said. "Thanks Alex." Kara replied. "Is this what it used to look like? Krypton I mean?" Alex asked. "Yea. It's almost an exact replica of the planet. It was Lena's idea. We thought it would be a great way to incorporate both of our worlds. She installed all the tech stuff and I'm painting kryptonian murals in here. Over there I'm gonna hang Rao's prayer up. So that Liam will always be protected by Rao's great light." Kara said.
Meanwhile at Noonans Lena and Sam are almost finished with their lunch. "What do you think they're doing at home?" Sam asked. "Hopefully painting the nursery." Lena replied. "I thought you already had it decorated?" Sam asked. "We did but we decided to paint it with Kryptonian paintings. Kara and I thought it best if our children know where they come from on both sides. So Kara's painting Krypton and gonna hang Rao's prayer. I've set up all the technology stuff inside already." Lena replied. "Well that does sound nice." Sam replied. "Are you ready to go back?" Lena asked. "Of course! I want to see where my nephew is gonna be sleeping." Sam replied with a smile.
A few minutes later the women were arriving back at Lena and Kara's place. Alex and Kara were washing off the paint brushes when they came inside. "Is it done?" Lena asked. "Go check it out love." Kara replied with a smile. Lena and Sam walked upstairs and into the nursery to see a beautiful mural of krypton on one wall. On the other was Rao's prayer hanging and on the other was a mural of the L Corp building against National City's sky line. "That must be what Kara sees when she's flying around." Sam said. "That's exactly what it is." Lena replied with a smile. "So? What do you think?" Kara asked as she and Alex stood in the doorway. "Kar...it's absolutely perfect!" Lena gushed as she pulled Kara into her arms and hugged her tight. "You're welcome love." Kara whispered as they separated.

RomanceIt was a simple dare. A dare to ask out the next woman who entered the coffee shop. No one knew that it would turn into the best decision she ever made.