Chapter 4 : Finding The Hazbin Hotel

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As I navigate through the labyrinth of hells streets, a beacon of hope shines in the distance – a flickering light, displaying a 'Hotel' sign. With each step forward, the silhouette of the building loomed larger, its towering spires, piercing through the darkness in the sky. I quickened my pace, the prospect of getting off the streets, carried me along. As I drew closer to the hotel's doors, a sense of relief washes over me, accompanied by optimism of possibly finding a place to stay, that isn't the streets.  With a shaking hand, I reach out and tap on the door, the sound echoing inside. Seconds later, the door swung open, revealing a silhouette against the glow of the hotel's interior. "Hello?" a voice called out, gentle and curious sounding. "Um, hi", I stammered, my voice faltering as I peered into the background behind the figure. "Is this a hotel?".

The figure stepped forward, it was a young woman, she radiated warmth and kindness. She was clad in a striking red suit, that hugged her slim frame. Her long, flowing blonde hair, lightly tied back, a side fringe lightly going across her forehead. She was laced with the most infectious smile I have ever seen. Her eyes, a warm shade of yellow, that sparkled with compassion, with red pupils, that tied in well with her suit. Rosy cheeks adorned her porcelain white skin, giving her a youthful glow. "Yes, it is" she replied, her smile beaming across her face. "I'm Charlotte, but you can call me Charlie! the princess of hell. Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel. How can I help you?" Did she just say princess of hell, as in Lucifers daughter! Fuck.

I smile sheepishly, "I just got here and am looking for a place to stay", I say nervously. As friendly as Charlie seemed, she did just tell me she is the princess of hell, so I'm going to tread lightly. "You see, the Hazbin Hotel is more than just a place to stay", she explained, gesturing to the hotel behind her. "It's a place where souls like yourself, who have led..." her face furrowed as searched for the right word to use. "...less than virtuous lives, are given an opportunity to redeem themselves" she continued. Your eyebrows furrow, Did I hear her right, redemption, in hell. I look at her, a puzzled look on my face, "Redemption?", I echoed. Charlie nodded enthusiastically, "That's right!" she confirmed, "Here at the Hazbin Hotel, I believe that every soul deserves a chance at forgiveness. Through love, hope and understanding, we are providing an unconventional approach to rehabilitation, we help our guests find the path to redemption and ultimate ascend to heaven", she beamed.

The height of her words hung in the air, is it really possible? You cocked you head ever so slightly, "Has this worked for anyone?" I questioned. She looks at me, her smile just as wide as before "We haven't, had a successful patron yet, but so far we only have two residents, it's a slow process, but I'm confident that the Hotel will work!", she answered enthusiastically. With newfound curiosity, I look at Charlie, thousands of questions bouncing around my mind. "How does it work?" I pry, my voice filled with uncertainty. She gestured to the inviting warmth of the hotel's foyer. "Why don't you come inside and find out?" she suggested. "I'll show you around, get you a room, introduce you to some of our guests. Who knows? You might find that redemption is closer than you think".

As I stepped into the welcoming embrace of the Hotel, Charlie led me excitedly through the foyer, her voice filled with enthusiasm as she introduced me to the cast of characters residing in the hotel. "First, allow me to introduce you to my girlfriend Vaggie) Charlie said, gesturing towards a figure with grey lavender skin and long white hair, adorned with a red bow. Vaggie stood confidently, her spear held with purpose, her red short sleeved top and black skirt contrasting the sunken tones of her skin. Despite the missing eye marked with an X, her presence exuded strength and resilience. "Nice to meet you", Vaggie greeted me with a nod, her eye following you with caution. Charlie then turned your attention to an extremely small creature, Nifty, a tiny maid like cyclops with a short red bob and perpetual big smile, revealing sharp yellow teeth. Despite her cheerful attitude, her crazy looking eye, made me feel a wave of caution, as it darted around my body. Charlie noticing this, turns to me, "Don't worry, were about 80 percent sure she's harmless". Not that this, eased my worries.

Next to meet was Husk, the bartender, a black and white cat with a perpetually grumpy expression. Despite his sour demeanour, there was a kindness behind his eyes. His red wings and red tail hinted at a fire spirit beneath the surface, he was dressed in black trousers and slacks, with a bright red bow tie. Husk's distain for the world around him was evident in every furrow brow and exasperated sigh.  Finally, Charlie introduces me to Sir Pentious, a black and yellow serpent, dressed in a top hat, suit top and bow tie. His hat made you uncomfortable, it had a face, which seemed to match his, it seemed alive. His pink eyes gleaming at me, filled with curiosity. "There are two more for you to meet, Alastor and Angel Dust, not sure where they are at the moment though. Let me show you to your room", Charlie beckoned at me to follow her. I'm shown to my room, with a grateful nod to Charlie, I bid her a goodnight and close the door, sinking into the soft embrace of the bed. As I drifted off to sleep, the warmth of the Hotel envelopes me like a warm blanket, some sanctuary in the darkness of hell.

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