Part 52: I've Got A Plan

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As I stir awake, I feel Vox's presence beside me. He's awake, his gaze fixed on me as if he's been watching over me all night. "Hey" he says softly, his voice tinged with concern. "How are you feeling?". I shift slightly, feeling the weight of the previous day's events still lingering in my mind. "I'm okay" I reply automatically, though I know he can see through my facade. His expression softens as he reaches out to brush a strand of hair from my face. "You don't have to pretend with me" he murmurs, his eyes searching mine for any sign of the turmoil I'm trying to hide. "I know it must have been rough". I sigh, feeling the tension begin to ease as I nestle closer to him. "Yeah, it was" I admit, grateful for his understanding presence. "But being here with you makes it a little better". Vox's fingers continue to gently stroke my hair as he listens to me. "I'm glad I could be here for you" he says softly, his voice a comforting presence in the quiet room. "If you need anything, just let me know". I nod, feeling a sense of relief wash over me at his words. "Thank you" I reply, my voice barely above a whisper. "I appreciate you being here". We stay like that for a while longer, wrapped in each other's presence, finding solace in the quiet comfort of the moment. Despite the challenges we may face, having Vox by my side gives me a sense of strength and reassurance.

I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before speaking. "Valentino is still after my soul" I say quietly, my voice tinged with concern. "But last night, while I was asleep, I had a thought. I think I might have a way to fix it, to stop him from being able to get it, then he will loose interest". His expression shifts, his eyes reflecting a mix of curiosity and concern. "What kind of thought?" he asks, his tone gentle yet eager for answers. I swallow nervously, knowing my idea could provoke strong emotions. "I'll tell you" I say, meeting his gaze, "but only if you promise not to lose your cool". His expression softens, and he nods reassuringly. "I won't" he assures me. "Just tell me". I take a moment to gather my thoughts before revealing my plan to him, hoping he'll understand and support me in what needs to be done.

"I'm going to sell my soul" I declare, bracing myself for Vox's reaction. As the words leave my lips, I feel Vox's grip on me tighten, his eyes widening in disbelief. "Sell your soul?" he repeats, his voice edged with incredulity. "Are you out of your mind?". I flinch at his reaction, but I hold my ground. "You promised you wouldn't lose your cool" I remind him, my tone firm despite the tremor in my voice. "I've thought about it, Vox. If my soul is already spoken for, Valentino can't touch it". His expression darkens, his mouth clenched in frustration. "This is madness" he growls, his anger palpable. "You can't just trade away your soul like it's some trinket, you know how dangerous that can be!". I reach out to him, trying to calm the storm brewing within him. "I know it sounds drastic, but I can't let Valentino have any power over me" I explain, pleading for him to understand. "I need your support on this, Vox".  "I'm not supporting you being an idiot" he retorts, his tone edged with concern. He runs a hand down his screen, clearly agitated by my proposition. "But who are you even planning to sell your soul to? And what makes you think this is remotely a good idea?" His eyes search mine, seeking answers.

"I was hoping I could sell it to you" I confess, my voice trembling with uncertainty. Vox's expression morphs into one of disbelief. "Excuse me?" he blurts out incredulously. "Sorry, did I hear that right? You want me to buy your soul?" His eyes widen with astonishment, awaiting my response.  "I know it sounds absurd" I begin, nervously fidgeting with the edge of the blanket draped over us. "But think about it. If you own my soul, Val can't touch it. He can't take what's already yours" I pause, gauging his reaction, hoping he'll understand the logic behind my unconventional proposal. His expression shifts from surprise to contemplation as he processes my words. "But why me?" he finally asks, his tone a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "Why would you want me to have your soul?". I take a deep breath, gathering my thoughts before responding. "Because I trust you, I love you..." I explain earnestly, meeting his gaze with unwavering sincerity. "And I know that you would never use it against me. If anyone can keep me safe from Valentino's grasp, it's you". His features soften at my words, his eyes reflecting a mixture of gratitude and concern. "I appreciate your trust in me" he murmurs, his voice laced with emotion. "But this is a heavy burden to bear. Are you sure about this?".

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