Chapter 50: Don't You Dare

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(Content warning btw, this one gets a little intense. TW sexual assault, just Valentino in general, felt like I needed a chapter that really emphasised how scummy this man is.)

I wake up to another day, the events with Alastor lingering in the recesses of my mind. It's been a couple of days since our conversation, and things seem to have settled down. As I head to work, I try to push the lingering unease aside, focusing instead on the tasks ahead. Approaching Val's office, my steps falter as I catch the sound of raised voices. Pausing outside the door, I hesitate, debating whether to announce my presence or give them privacy. Before I can make a decision, the shouting escalates, drowning out any attempt to knock. With a furrowed brow, I push the door open, concern gnawing at the edges of my thoughts.

With a sense of urgency, I push the door open, revealing a disturbing sight: Valentino, his normally composed demeanor shattered, has Angel pinned against the wall, his voice raised in anger. The sight of Angel's bruised form sends a jolt of concern through me, overriding any hesitation I might have had. "Valentino, what's going on here?" I demand, my voice tinged with a mixture of shock and alarm. But instead of an answer, I'm met with a cold, steely gaze from Valentino, his grip on Angel tightening. "This doesn't concern you" he snaps, his voice cutting through the tension in the room like a knife. But I refuse to back down, my concern for Angel outweighing any fear I might have felt in the face of Valentino's anger.

With every step, my anger mounts, fueling my resolve to intervene in whatever volatile situation had erupted between Valentino and Angel. Ignoring Valentino's dismissive tone, I approach them with determination, my eyes fixed on Angel's bruised form. "This absolutely concerns me" I assert firmly, my voice unwavering despite the tension crackling in the air. "What's going on here, Valentino? Why is Angel bruised? And why have you got him pinned there?" My gaze shifts to Angel, silently communicating my support and concern, willing him to speak up and shed light on the situation. But Valentino's grip tightens, his expression hardening as he meets my gaze with an icy glare.

Valentino's eyes narrow at my question, his grip on Angel tightening even further. "I really don't like repeating myself, this is none of your concern" he retorts sharply, his voice laced with thinly veiled hostility. "Stay out of it, darling. This is between me and Angel". I refuse to back down, my anger simmering beneath the surface as I stand my ground. "It becomes my concern when one of my friends is being hurt" I counter, my voice tinged with a steely resolve. "Let him go, Valentino". But Valentino's grip remains firm, his gaze locked with mine in a silent battle of wills.

As the tense standoff continues, Angel's pained expression catches my attention, urging me to act decisively. With a surge of determination, I step closer to Valentino, my voice firm and unwavering. "I won't ask you again. Let him go, Valentino" I demand, my tone leaving no room for negotiation. His lips curl into a menacing smirk, his eyes gleaming with a predatory glint. "Or what, darling? You'll make me?" he taunts, his grip on Angel tightening even further in defiance. I square my shoulders, refusing to be intimidated by his threats. "If I have to" I reply evenly, my voice edged with a steely resolve. "But I'd rather not resort to that. Just release him, Val".

As Valentino stubbornly refuses to release Angel, a surge of adrenaline courses through me, emboldening my resolve. Ignoring the voice of caution in the back of my mind, I make a split-second decision and launch myself at him, driven by an instinctual need to protect Angel from harm. With a fierce determination, I barrel into Valentino, knocking him off balance and causing him to stagger backward with a squeak. The element of surprise works in my favor as he momentarily loosens his grip on Angel. Seizing the opportunity, I urgently instruct Angel to make a swift exit to safety. With Angel out of harm's way, I turn my attention back to Valentino, ready to confront him. However, before I can fully process the situation, Valentino swiftly recovers, his reflexes kicking in as he reaches out to grab me. Despite my best efforts to resist, his strength overwhelms me, and I find myself ensnared in his grasp, struggling against his iron grip, he grabs my throat.

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