Chapter 59: Bonding

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(A/N - NSFW - skip if uncomfortable. Wanted to do one final NSFW chapter before I finish with this story. I mean why not)

Months had slipped by, each day blurring into the next in the twisted dance of life within the studio's walls. The dynamic remained unchanged, a delicate balance teetering on the edge of chaos. Valentino's mood swings had become a familiar pattern, oscillating between moments of intense affection and cold detachment with alarming frequency. One moment, he would shower me with praise and adoration, the next, he would lash out with a viciousness that left me reeling. Despite the tumultuous nature of our relationship, there were moments of genuine connection that kept me tethered to him, a glimmer of warmth amidst the darkness. But for every tender embrace, there was a harsh word or a cruel gesture that served as a stark reminder of the volatility that lurked just beneath the surface.

As for Vox, our relationship remained fraught with tension, a constant battle of wills that simmered beneath the surface. While we had begrudgingly found a semblance of peace, there was an underlying animosity that lingered between us, a silent acknowledgment of the power struggle that defined our interactions. Yet, amidst the chaos and uncertainty, there were brief moments of respite – stolen glances exchanged in the quiet of the night, fleeting smiles that hinted at a shared understanding amidst the turmoil that surrounded us. And so, I continued to navigate the treacherous waters of the studio, each day bringing new challenges and unexpected twists in the tangled web of demons and deceit.

As I entered the penthouse, exhaustion weighed heavily on my shoulders, every step a painful reminder of the brutal shoot I had just endured. The ache in my body was a testament to the sacrifices I made in the name of survival in this unforgiving world. But as I walked into the living room, the sight that greeted me sent a shiver down my spine. Valentino and Vox sat together on the sofa, their eyes locking onto me with a shared intensity that made my skin crawl. "Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in" Vox remarked, his voice laced with a hint of amusement as he regarded me with a predatory gleam in his eyes. Valentino's lips curled into a sly smile as he leaned back against the cushions, his gaze lingering on me with a mixture of curiosity and something darker. "You're looking rather worse for wear, amor" he commented, his tone almost teasing. "Rough day at the office?". I forced a polite smile, masking the unease churning in my stomach as I sank onto a nearby armchair. "You could say that" I replied, my voice strained. As Valentino and Vox exchanged a knowing glance, a sense of unease settled over me like a suffocating blanket.

As I settled into the armchair, Valentino and Vox turned their attention towards me, their gazes expectant. "So, c'mon tell me, how was your day, amor?" Valentino inquired, his voice smooth as silk. I sighed, the weariness of the day settling heavily upon me. "I'd rather not talk about it," I replied wearily, hoping to avoid delving into the details of the grueling shoot I had just endured. Vox couldn't resist a snarky comment, his tone dripping with sarcasm. "Oh, what's the matter, sweetheart? Can't handle a little tough love?". I bristled at his remark, but before I could respond, Valentino interjected, his voice calm but insistent. "Hey now, none of that" he said, shooting Vox a warning look before turning back to me. "Tell you what, why don't you join me for a smoke? Always helps take the edge off". I hesitated for a moment, the thought of his cigarette providing a tempting escape from the turmoil swirling within me.

"Fuck it" I replied, mustering a small smile as I settled onto the sofa beside Valentino. As he reached for his cigarettes, I watched with a mix of anticipation and trepidation. Valentino's cigarettes were more than just a habit – they were a potent drug, their intoxicating aroma laced with a seductive allure that I couldn't resist. With trembling fingers, I accepted the cigarette he offered, the familiar warmth of the smoke enveloping me like a comforting embrace. As I took a long drag, allowing the intoxicating rush to wash over me, I felt the tension of the day slowly begin to melt away. In that moment, surrounded by the comforting embrace of Valentino's penthouse and the heady haze of his cigarette smoke, I felt a surge of warmth and relaxation wash over me. The drug worked its magic, loosening my inhibitions and leaving me with a pleasant buzz that dulled the edges of my exhaustion. And as I leaned back into the cushions, a contented smile playing at my lips, I knew that no matter what trials lay ahead, I would always find solace in the addictive embrace of Valentino's vice.

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