Chapter 21: Show Time

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As I trudge through the dark, twisted streets of Hell, my thoughts swirl with anger and frustration. Vox's words echo in my mind, his disapproval like a heavy weight pressing down on my shoulders. He didn't want to support me, didn't understand why I would even consider working with Val. Fucking hypocrite, Valentino is his business partner, acting like he doesn't work with him, editing porn videos for him. Oh, just cause he's the almighty Vox, there some stupid double standard here. To him, I'm just being stupid, risking everything for a fleeting opportunity. But I refuse to let his doubts deter me. My jaw clenches as I stubbornly push forward, my footsteps echoing in the empty streets. I don't need his approval. I'll prove him wrong, show him that I'm capable of making my own decisions, of seizing opportunities where others see only danger. Yeah, that will show him, I'd be pretty embarrassed if I was Vox. With each step, my anger fuels my determination, propelling me forward through the darkness until finally, I reach my destination. It's only then, as I stand before the towering edifice of the studio tower, that I realize where my feet have led me. The realization hits me like a punch to the gut, a stark reminder of the path I've chosen. But despite the doubts and uncertainty, I square my shoulders and steel myself for what's to come. I may be walking into the lion's den, but I refuse to back down now. I'm showing Vox that I can handle myself and that I can resist Valentinos 'charm'.

I find myself navigating the familiar corridors of the studio tower almost of autopilot. Before I know it, I'm standing at the entrance to the penthouse level, a strange sense of determination guiding my steps. As I push open the door and step inside, the soft hum of quiet music that permeates the penthouse washes over me, mingling with the faint scent of smoke and alcohol that hangs in the air. My gaze immediately settles on Val, seated on the plush sofa, cigarette in hand and a glass of amber liquid resting on the coffee table before him. He looks up as I enter, his expression unreadable as our eyes meet. There's no surprise in his demeanour, no indication that my sudden appearance has caught him off guard. I meet his gaze head-on, refusing to back down under his scrutiny. "You were right" I admit, my voice laced with frustration. "The chat with Vox didn't go well. He's... he's just so damn stubborn". Val's smile widens at my confession, his eyes gleaming with a mix of sympathy and amusement. Of course, he would find this entertaining, why am I shocked. "Well, well, well" he purrs. "Looks like you're in need of a sympathetic ear. Why don't you tell daddy all about it?" he pats the seat next to him, gesturing for me to join him on the sofa.

As I settle onto the sofa beside him, I launch into a tirade about Vox, venting all my frustration and grievances. "He just doesn't understand" I complain, leaning against Val's side for support. "He thinks I'm making a mistake, but he doesn't see the bigger picture. He's so... so stubborn and closed-minded". Val nods sympathetically, one of his arms instinctively wrapping around my shoulders as if to offer comfort. "Sounds like quite the predicament" he remarks, his voice soft and understanding. "But you know, sometimes people just can't see past their own biases. You've got to do what's best for you, no matter what anyone else says". His unexpected empathy catches me off guard, and I find myself opening up to him in a way I hadn't anticipated. As I continue to pour out my frustrations, Val listens intently, offering occasional words of encouragement and support. I can't deny the comfort of having someone to confide in, even if that someone is Val.

I grab his drink off the table and take a long sip, relishing the burn of alcohol as it slides down my throat. Val raises an eyebrow, amusement twinkling in his eyes as he watches me. "Help yourself, why don't you?" he quips, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. I shoot him a mock glare, feigning offense. "Hey, I've had a rough evening" I retort, holding up the glass in a mock toast. "I think I deserve a little liquid therapy, don't you?". Val chuckles, his laughter warm and genuine as he reaches over to ruffle the fur on my head affectionately. "Fair point" he concedes, his tone teasing. "But next time, ask before you raid my stash, alright?". Val removes his arm from around me and saunters over to the liquor cabinet, retrieving a bottle of whisky and an extra glass. He takes his seat next to me again, with a casual flourish, he pours himself a generous measure before topping off my glass. I find my eyes drawn to the bulky coat that he's always wearing. "Do you ever find that coat annoying?" I ask, gesturing towards it. "It looks heavy, like it would weigh you down". A smirk tugs at the corners of his lips, his gaze meeting mine. "Are you insinuating that I'm weak?" he teases, his tone light but playful. "So weak that I can't even handle a coat?".

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