Chapter 13 : Take this as a warning

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I step into the Hotel and before I can even take a breath, Angel appears at my side with his trademark grin, his presence as flamboyant as ever. "Look who's back" he purrs, his voice dripping with innuendos as he slides up to me. "Who did you spend the night with, looked like Vox". I raise an eyebrow at the suggestive tone, knowing full well that Angel loves getting under people's skin. "Just because Vox dropped me off, it doesn't mean anything", I retort, trying to brush off his teasing with an innocent smile. However, Angel isn't so easily deterred, his grin widening and his voice laced with mischief. "Oh, come on, doll face, we all know what goes on behind closed doors" he quips, winking at me. "So, spill the beans, what naughty little things were you two getting up to?" I roll my eyes at him, "None of your business, Angel" I reply, trying to keep my tone light, but I can feel a rising blush creeping up my cheeks. He laughs, "Oh, come on, toots, don't be such a tease" his tone playful and insistent. "I won't tell a soul, I promise". I sigh, knowing he won't give up until he gets some sort of answer. With a reluctant chuckle, I decide to indulge him, if only to satisfy his insatiable curiosity. "Alright, alright" I start. "Let's just say Vox hung out with me, dropped me off and we had a nice chat, that's all there is to it". Angel doesn't seem satisfied with my vague response; he leans in closer. "I know there's more to the story than that" he presses, his tone coaxing, "Did things get...spicy". I shoot him a warning look, my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. "That is definitely none of your business Angel!" I protest. He laughs and rolls his eyes at me, "Don't be such a prude" he teases.

With a reluctant sigh, I decide to put an end to his questioning once and for all. "Alright, fine" I confess. "I spent the night with Vox at his place. Happy now?". "Oooooh, scandalous" he says, his tone filled with amusement. "And here I thought you just dropped by his for a friendly chat". "It wasn't like that" I retort, feeling myself getting defensive. He laughs and points me in the direction of the bar, we start walking over there. "Sure, Sure, whatever you say toots" he says, giving me a wink. We settle into our seats at the bar and soon enough Husk appears behind the counter, wearing the same tire facial expression he usually carries. "Hey there, Husky" Angel purrs, giving him a wink, "How's my favourite Kitty doing today?" He rolls his eyes but a small smile tugs the comers of his lips, "Same old, same old" he grumbles. Slinging us both a drink "Just trying to survive another day in this hellhole". As Angel continues to shower Husk with flirty comments and suggestive remarks, I can't help but giggle at the banter between them. Despite his gruff exterior, Husk seems to have a soft spot for Angel, he tolerates his advances with a begrudging fondness, the pair fall into an easy rhythm of playful teasing and laughter.

As the night progresses, Angels relentless flirting with Husk becomes a source of entertainment for everyone at the bar. Angel leans against the counter, batting his eyelashes at Husk as he pours drinks with practiced precision. "So, Husky, have you been working out?" he asks. "Because those arms are looking extra muscular tonight" he continues "Think we could put them to some good use, baby". Husk rolls his eyes, shaking his head "Save it for someone who cares, Angel" he retorts gruffly, though a hint of amusement can be heard in his tone. I can't help but laugh at the pair of them, "Come on, Husk, you know you love the attention" I chime in, teasingly nudging him with my elbow. He grumbles something unintelligible under his breath. Angel doesn't seem deterred by Husk's lack of engagement, doubling down on his flirtatious banter, "Ya know, if ya ever get bored of this place, you can always come work with me", he suggests with a wink, "Could do with some good eye candy on set". Husk scoffs at the suggestion, "Fucking no way" he mutters.

As the night wears on and the conversation continues to flow, I decide to bring up a certain topic. "Hey, Angel" I begin tentatively, glancing at him. "What's the deal with you and Val? I obviously saw him drop you off here the other day". Angel's demeanour shifts almost instantly, his playful expression faltering as a shadow of unease crosses his features. He fidgets nervously with his drink's glass, avoiding my gaze as he struggles to find the right words. "Val.... He's my boss at the porn studio" Angel finally replies, his voice tinged with a hint of apprehension. "I... I do what he says, you know? it's not easy, but... it's a job". I can sense the underlying tension in Angel's words, the weight of his obligations to Valentino hanging heavy in the air between us. It's clear that there's more to their relationship than meets the eye, but Angel seems reluctant to delve into the details. "Is everything okay?" I ask, my voice filled with concern. "You seem... tense". Angel offers me a forced smile, though it fails to reach his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, everything's fine" he replies, but his words lack conviction. "Just... don't worry about it, okay? It's nothing you need to concern yourself with". I nod, knowing better than to press him further.

"Actually, why do you ask?" he asks me, a confused look on his face. "I have had a couple, less than ideal experiences.... Uh.... Bumping into him" I respond, not knowing what else to say. Angel shifts in his bar stool, his expression grave "Wait, you've had run-ins with Val?" he asks, his voice low and tense. "That's why you were so jumpy the other day! What happened?". I hesitate, unsure of how much to reveal, the concern in his eyes prompts me to speak. "It's nothing major" I assure him, trying to downplay the seriousness of the situation. "Just a few unpleasant encounters, that's all". But Angel doesn't seem convinced by my attempt to brush off the incidents. "No encounter with Val is ever 'nothing major'" he replies, his voice tinged with bitterness. "The guy's bad news, trust me". I nod, feeling a chill go down my spine at the intensity of Angel's warning. "I just want to know more about him" I confess, his expression softens, his eyes reflecting a mixture of sympathy and resignation. "Val may be powerful, but he's also dangerous" he explains, his voice twinged with regret. "He's not someone you want to get mixed up with, believe me". As Angel's words sink in, I can't help but feel a sense of unease creeping over me. Perfect, I've piqued the interest of a fucking lunatic.

I look into Angels eyes, "If you don't mind me prying, how did you get involved with him? Why do you stay?". His expression softens as he recounts his history with Valentino, his voice tinged with a mixture of nostalgia and regret. "I found Val when I first arrived in hell" he explains. "I had no home, no money... I was desperate". I listen intently, sensing the weight of his words as he opens up about his past. "He was kind, he took me in, gave me a job at the studio" Angel continues, "And before I knew it, I was head over heels in love with him". There's a palpable sense of longing in his words, a yearning for a time when things were simpler, when his love for Valentino overshadowed the darker aspects of their relationship. As Angel continues, a sense of sadness washes over me as I listen to the depths of his past and present pain. "I was so smitten, when Val asked me to sign a contract, giving him my soul, I thought it would be fine. We were in love, after all". "But it was all part of his plan" he continued, his voice growing heavy with emotion. "He wanted to take control, to own me completely and exploit me". I reach out and squeeze his hand in a silent gesture of support, feeling a surge of sympathy for the demon who face betrayal at the hands of someone he once loved so deeply. "It wasn't until later that I realized the truth" he murmurs, his voice just a whisper, "By then, it was too late".

As Angel shares his story, I notice a flicker of sadness in Husk's eyes, his usually gruff exterior softening with empathy for his friend. There's a silent understanding between them, a shared recognition of the pain and heartache that comes with being betrayed by someone you once trusted. "You need to be careful with Val" he cautions. But Angel doesn't stop there, a hint of concern clouding his eyes, "And as for Vox..." he begins, his tone hesitant. "Going around there for a bit of fun is one thing, but watch him, he's an overlord for a reason. Playing nice didn't get him there". I furrow my brow, considering Angel's words carefully. Despite my positive experiences with Vox and the genuine kindness he's shown me, the warning strikes a chord of concern in my heart. "But Vox has been nothing but kind to me" I protest gently, my voice twinged with uncertainty. "I don't believe he would do anything to harm me". "I'm not saying he's a completely bad guy" he replies, his voice firm but gentle. "But he's an overlord for a reason. He knows how to play the game, and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty if it means staying on top". I nod slowly, thinking about the conversation I had with Vox earlier about the Vs.

"Thank you Angel" I say sincerely. "Just looking out for you, kid" he replies, his voice soft. As the night wears on, we continue to drink and laugh, the atmosphere at the bar growingly increasingly lively with each passing moment, the hours slipping away in a haze of good company and strong drinks. As the night grows late, I reluctantly bid a farewell to my friends at the bar. I make my way upstairs to my bed, feeling my exhaustion fall over me like a heavy blanket. The journey up the stairs feels like a blur, my footsteps echoing in the quiet corridors, I reach my door, open it and step inside. I kick off my shoes and sink down onto the soft mattress, I pull the covers up around me, close my eyes and let out a contented sigh. Accepting the warm embrace of sleep.

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