Chapter 19 : First Day

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As I step into Val's studio on my first day of work, a sense of anticipation courses through me, mingled with a hint of apprehension. Val is already waiting for me, his charismatic presence commanding the room as he gestures for me to follow him. "Welcome to my studio" he says with a charming smile, leading me through the bustling corridors lined with sleek, modern décor. "Today, I'll give you a tour and introduce you to the team". As we step into the heart of the porn studio, the atmosphere subtly shifts, the air humming with creative energy. "This is the main stage he announces, his voice slightly echoing in the spacious room. "This is where the magic happens". I take in the scene before me. The spacious room is comminated by a large bed in the centre, adorned with plush cushions and luxurious fabrics, surrounded by an array of high-quality camera equipment strategically positioned to capture every intimate detail. The room is bathed in soft, diffused lighting, creating a warm glow over the scene. mirrored walls reflect the carefully curated set design. "It's quite the setup" I remark, impressed by the professional quality of everything. Val nods, a satisfied smile playing on his lips. "We spare no expense when it comes to creating the perfect screen" he explains. "Every detail matters, from the lighting to the set design". As we move around the room, Val points out various features, his enthusiasm infectious. "Over there are the dressing rooms, where performers prepare for their scenes" he says, gesturing to a row of discreet doors along the walls. I nod, absorbing all the information eagerly. "It's fascinating to see behind the scenes" I comment, genuinely intrigued by the inner workings of the studio. He smiles, pleased by my interest, "I'm glad you think so" he replies. "I have a feeling you're going to fit right in here". With that, he leads me towards the dressing rooms.

As we step into the dressing rooms, Valentino introduces me to some of the actors preparing for their scenes. "These are some of our talented performers" he says, gesturing towards the bustling room. "They're the ones who bring our visions to life". I nod, greeting each actor with a friendly smile as Val makes introductions. My face feeling a slight flush, due to the nature of their outfits. "It's a pleasure to meet you all" I say, impressed by the professionalism of the performers. Val's eyes can the room, his expression darkens. "Unfortunately, Angel isn't here today" he growls, his tone dripping with anger. "But I'm sure you already know him, you're staying at that ratty hotel, that he is always at". I nod, recalling my previous encounters with Angel, "Yes, we're acquainted" I shyly reply. Val nods, seeming satisfied with my response. "Well, you'll have plenty of opportunities to work with him in the future" he says, his tone carrying a hint of venom. What does he mean by that? And why does it sound so threatening. He leads me out of the dressing rooms and on to the next part of the tour. We make our way to the admin room, which is conveniently located next to his office, a trail of smoke following us. As we enter, I take in the sight of a relatively quiet space, with one other person diligently working at their desk. Valentino gestures around the room, indicating various workstations and filing cabinets. "This is where you'll be spending a fair amount of your time, handling some administrative tasks" he explains with a matter-of-fact tone. I glance around, noting the subdued atmosphere of the room. "It seems pretty quiet in here" I remark, trying to lighten the mood with a touch of humour. "Almost like a ghost town". His expression darkens slightly at my comment, and he shoots me a stern look. "It's quiet because everyone's busy doing their work" he replies curtly, his tone carrying a hint of annoyance. I quickly realise my misstep and offer a sheepish smile. "Of course, I didn't mean to imply otherwise" I apologise, hoping to smooth over the tension. His demeanour softens slightly, though his expression remains serious. "Just focus on your tasks and everything will be fine" he says, his tone now measured as he leads me to another room.

We move on to the next area and he gestures to a spacious room filled with state-of-the-art editing equipment and soundproofing panels lining the walls. "This is our editing suite" he explains, "Where all the post-production magic happens". I nod in understanding, impressed by the complicated set up in front of me. "Wow, it all looks so high tech and complicated", I remark. Val nods, a satisfied smile gracing his features "I can thank Vox for all this, he even helps out with editing sometimes". I am surprised, not sure why, he is a TV demon, with a large technology company. Just feels odd imagining him sat in here editing porn. He notices the expression and laughs, clearly aware of what thoughts are in my head. Without a word, he places one of his hands on my back and starts leading me to another area. We go into a small, dimly lit room tucked away in a corner of the studio. Inside there's a simple setup consisting of cameras, a small sofa, a few chairs and a plain backdrop. "This is our audition room" Val explains, casting a hand across the space. "Where aspiring actors come to showcase their talents". I step inside, taking in the setup with interest. "So, this where it all begins" I comment, glancing at the camera, feeling awkward imagining the auditions that must take place in this room. He nods, "Yes, it's where we scout for new talent and evaluate potential performers" he confirms. Looking me up and down with a sly grin, "I'm sure one day I'll convince you to give it ago, even if it is just a private tape for my collection", he states, blowing a puff of smoke into my face. I feel heat creep up onto my cheeks, before I can even protest, he has turned around and is walking away.

As we ascend to the next level, his demeaner noticeably shifts. He leads me down a corridor lined with doors, each one presumably leading to a living space for the studio's staff. "These are our residential quarters" he explains tersely, gesturing towards the line of doors. "Some of our staff choose to live here for convenience". I nod, taking in the surroundings. The corridor is quiet, with no signs of life other than the two of us. the atmosphere deels tense, and I sense his growing agitation as he continues to speak. "Angel used to live in that room over there" he adds abruptly, pointing a golden claw towards one of the doors. His voice is twinged with bitterness, "But as you know, he moved out, preferring the comforts of that fucking hotel". I can hear the resentment in his tone, and I wonder what might have prompted Angel's decision to leave. It is clear that the topic is a very sore point for Val, and I tread carefully, calculating my response. "I see" I murmur, unsure of how to respond to his evident displeasure. "I suppose everyone has their reasons for the choices they make". His expression remains inscrutable as he nods in agreement, his jaw set in a tight line. It's clear that Angel's departure has left a mark, and I make a mental note to tread cautiously around the subject in the future.

"You are always welcome to a room, you'll be here a lot for work anyway" he says, his tone lightening. His offer catches me off guard, given the tension surrounding us, after the conversation about Angel. However, I appreciate the gesture, despite the underlying tension. "Thank you, Val" I reply, offering a small, grateful smile. "I'll keep that in mind". His expression softens slightly, as he uses one of his hands to ruffle the top of my head, "It's no trouble at all, Kitten. We have plenty of space and it's always good to have familiar faces around". I offer him a smile, silently mulling over his offer. While the idea of staying at the studio has its appeal, I can't shake the feeling that there is more to Angel's departure than meets the eye.

As we make our way back to Val's office, he interrupts my train of thought "So, when are you going to tell Vox about all of this?", he asks. His question about telling Vox weighs heavily on my mind. I know I can't put it off forever, especially now that I've accepted Val's offer to work for him in some capacity. "I'll tell him tonight, he's coming to pick me up from here, we're having dinner", I assure Val, trying to sound more confident than I feel. He nods, his expression unreadable. "Just be prepared for his reaction. Vox can be... possessive". We arrive at his office and he takes a seat and I sit down opposite him. I lean forward, intrigued by Val's cryptic warning. "What do you mean by 'possessive'?" I ask, trying to keep my tone casual despite the nerves fluttering in my stomach. Val leans back in his chair, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he takes a drag of his cigarette. "Let's just say Vox has a tendency to get... attached" he replies, his voice tinged with amusement. "Especially when it comes to people he cares about". Why does he find this fucking amusing, clearly, I'm not finding this funny. Val's smirk widens, his gaze intense. "Let's just say he doesn't do well with sharing" his tone dropping to a low murmur. "Especially when it comes to you". I feel a flush rise to my cheeks at the implication of his words, a mix of discomfort and uncertainty swirling in my mind. The thought of Vox being possessive over me sends a thrill of both apprehension and... something else... through me. But I push the feelings aside, focusing on the task at hand. "Well, I guess I'll just have to cross that bridge when I come to it" I say with a nervous chuckle, trying to brush off the uneasy feeling settling in my chest. Val gives me a knowing look, as if he can sense my internal turmoil. "Just be prepared", he says cryptically, before turning his attention to the paperwork on his desk.

As I familiarise myself with the computer and paperwork in Val's office, he patiently guides me through each task, explaining the intricacies of the job. Just as I start to feel more confident in my abilities, there's a knock at the door. Val glances up, a smile gracing his lips. "That must be Vox" he says, gesturing towards the door. "Ready for dinner?". I nod, feeling a mix of anticipation and nerves at the thought of seeing Vox again. "As ready as I'll ever be" I reply with a wry grin, pushing myself up from the chair. Val chuckles softly, rising to his feet as he heads towards the door. "Just be yourself" he advises, with an oddly reassuring pat on my shoulder. "And remember, you're in control". I take a deep breath, as I follow Valentino out of the door and into the hallway. I see Vox waiting patiently, a warm smile spreading across his face as he catches sight of me. "Hey there" he greets, his voice soft and inviting. "Ready to go?". I return his smile, feeling a twinge of relief from his calm attitude. "Definitely" I reply, falling into step beside him as we make our way out of the studio and into the evening. I can feel Valentinos eyes on the pair of us, as we leave.

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