Chapter 9 : Meeting Velvette

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Vox has his eyes focused on the road, as we drive away from the chaos of the nightlife, I stare out the window, everything is a distorted red blur. As he carries me into the house, I can't help but feel an immense feeling of gratitude towards him. Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted, I let him guide me to his bedroom. He helps me out of my clothes, which I have been sick all over, I was surprised by how gentle he was being. As he slips on of his oversized T-shirts over my head, I feel a sense of comfort at the familiar scent, his cologne mixing with the freshly cleaned fabric. "Thank you, again Vox" I whisper, as I sink into his bed. He nods in understanding, his expression filled with concern as he takes a seat at his desk, busying himself with his work. I turn to him and voice my concerns "Why do I feel so... strange?" I ask. Acutely aware that my behaviour in the club was out of character and I would normally never act like that. It was as though something came over me, something I couldn't control. Vox pauses in his work, a thoughtful look upon his screen as he considers my question. "It's the smoke", he explains. "Val's cigarettes are laced with a potent concoction that makes people feel... relaxed, shall we say". His expression darkens "Val enjoys exerting control over others" he explains, his voice filled with quiet anger. "His smoke is just another tool he uses to manipulate those around him into doing what he wants". I shiver at the thought.

Feeling the weight of exhaustion settle over me, I look at vox, a pleading look in my eyes. "Would you... mind joining me?" I ask, my voice slightly trembling, "I-I don't want to sleep alone tonight". His eyes soften at my request and a flicker of uncertainty crosses over his features. "Are you sure? I don't want to make you uncomfortable" he asks. I shake my head, offering him a reassuring smile. "No, I'm sure. I just... I just need someone to be here with me, that's all", I reply, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. With a hesitant nod, he tentatively climbs into bed beside me, his movements cautious as he settles himself on the mattress, I can sense his nerves. As I turn over and rest my heart against his chest, I feel his body stiffen beneath me, his breath catching in his throat. But to my surprise, he doesn't pull away; instead, he wraps his arms around me, a silent gesture of reassurance and comfort. I drift off into a deep sleep, a mix of the smoke I've inhaled and the liquor I've drank. The soft rhythm of Vox's breathing next to me serves as a comforting lullaby, lulling me into a peaceful slumber.

As I stir from my slumber, the warmth of the sun coming through the curtains, I find myself alone in Vox's bed. Stretching, I sit up and glance around the room, my mind still fuzzy from last night. With a large yawn, I push back the covers and swing my legs over the edge of the bed, feeling Vox's T-shirt drape over my frame. As I make my way to the kitchen, clad in his T-shirt and my skimpy underwear, I'm met with the sight of Vox engaged in conversation with a new visitor – a short, petite women with playful pigtails of pink and blue hair embellished with white spirals. Her cheeky grin immediately catches me attention and I feel a flush of embarrassment creep into my cheeks as I realize how underdressed I am. Vox noticing my discomfort, offers me a reassuring smile, signalling for me to join them. "Good morning. This is Velvette, she's a colleague of mine" he greets me warmly. Velvette returns Vox's grin with a playful twinkle in her eyes, "Nice to meet you" she chirps, her voice bright and cheerful. "Don't mind me, just here to snap a few pics for the gram".

As Velvette continues snapping pictures and chatting with Vox, her attitude takes an impish turn as she begins to tease Vox about my presence in his kitchen. "So, what's the deal with the lovely lady in your T-shirt" she asks with a sly grin. Vox chuckles softly, shooting me an apologetic glance before turning his attention back to Velvette. "Just a friend who needed a place to crash for the night" he replies casually. She raises an eyebrow in mock disbelief, her grin widening, as she begins to pry for more information. "Oh, come on, Vox. You can't fool me that easily. There's got to be more to the story than that." She teases. Before either of us can respond, she abruptly announces that she has to go, she has a fashion show she needs to prepare for. With a wink and a wave, she bids us farewell, snapping a hundred photos of herself as she walks down the hall to the door.

Vox turns back to me, after Velvette left, his eyes softening with concern as he inquires how I'm feeling after last night, "Are you alright?". I smile, despite the throbbing ache in my head. "I'll survive" I reply with a faint chuckle, trying to downplay it, "Just a bit of a headache, that's all". He mentions that he has a busy day ahead of him but assures me that I'm welcome to stay at his place if I'd like, his offer is tempting, but I know I should go home, everyone will be wondering where I am. "That's understandable, I actually have the day off work tomorrow, not something that happens often" he started, sounding slightly nervous. "We can hang out then if you like?". His offer to spend the day together catches me off guard, but it's a welcome surprise. The sincerity in his voice makes it hard to refuse. "That sounds.... Really nice actually. I'd love to spend the day with you tomorrow" I say, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. His face brightens with a genuine smile, I feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. "Great!" he exclaims, his enthusiasm contagious. "It's a date then". He stumbles, his screen turning a slightly pinker shade, "I-I mean... it's, you know.... ummm", his screen starts glitching ever so slightly. I guess this is the Tv equivalent of getting flustered, it's quite cute actually. I start giggling looking at him struggling with what to say, I smile, "You got it right first time, it's a date, I will see you tomorrow Vox" and with a wave I push my way out of the front door. Leaving him staring at me, his glitching slowing down as I walk away.

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