Chapter 18 : Job Offer

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As days pass at the Hotel, I find myself mulling over Val's offer, considering the possibilities and implications of working for him. During my time at the Hotel, we engage in trust exercises and other activities aimed at personal growth and redemption. Despite the distractions, his proposition lingers in the back of my mind. Finally, after much contemplation, I decide to take action. I pick up my phone and compose a text to Val, expressing my interest in discussing his offer further. With a mixture of apprehension and determination, I hit send, eager to see where this path may lead, I get a response; inviting me to the studio to discuss. As I stride towards Val's studio, my mind consumed by the thought of this meeting, my phone buzzes in my pocket. Glancing at the screen, I see Vox's name flashing and I hesitate before answering, unsure of what to expect. "Hey" I greet him cautiously, my voice betraying a hint of uncertainty. "Hey", Vox responds, his tone subdued. "I, uh, wanted to apologise for the other day. I know I was... less than pleasant and I know you were just worried about me. I just wanted to say I'm sorry". Surprised by his unexpected apology, I pause for a moment, processing his words. Despite my lingering frustration over our previous interaction, I find myself appreciating Vox's gesture. "I appreciate that, Vox" I reply. "Even if it did take you two days to apologise", my voice teasing, "Apology accepted. I understand things can get... tense sometimes". Theres a brief moment of silence between us. "I'm sorry about that too, I just didn't know what to say", Vox adds, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I value our bond and don't want anything to come between us". His words resonate with me, and I can't help but feel a surge of gratitude towards the Tv demon. "Thanks, Vox", I reply, a smile spreading across my face. "I appreciate you reaching out. Let's put it behind us and move forward". With our conversation drawing to a close, I bid Vox farewell and pocket my phone, as I resume my journey to the studio.

As I step into the large building once more, I use the elevator to go to the porn studios floor. I get out of the life and I'm immediately struck by the bustling energy that fills the air. I go through the corridor that leads to Valentinos office, the walls are lined with lavish poster and photographs, various some of him, some of his workers. Finally reaching Val's door, I hesitate for a moment, gathering my thoughts before raising my hand to knock. The response is immediate, a commanding voice calling out "Come in". Pushing open the door, I step into Val's office, the scene before me a stark contrast to the hustle outside. The room is bathed in soft and dim lighting. Velvet curtains frame the large windows, allowing a glimpse of the city below. What is this pimp's obsession with velvet. Val sits behind a sleek desk, his expression composed yet intense as he regards me. His office exudes an air of sophistication, something I didn't quite expect. "Welcome" Val says, his voice smooth and inviting as he gestures for me to take a seat opposite him. "Please make yourself comfortable". I settle into the plush armchair, taking in the scent of his smoke that fills the room, nothing unusual. Any room he goes into must smell like this. Despite the provocative nature of his industry, there's an undeniable sense of professionalism that permeates the space, a testament to his meticulous attention to detail.

"Thank you" I reply, sinking into the chair and crossing my legs. "Your office is quite impressive". Val offers a faint smile, "I'm glad you think so, sweetheart. Now, let's get down to business. Have you had a chance to consider my offer". I nod, straightening up in my seat. "Yes, I have. I've been thinking about it quite a bit, actually". His gaze remains steady, awaiting my response, "And?" he prompts. "I'm intrigued" I admit, meeting his gaze with determination. "I believe I could bring something valuable to the table as a talent scout. But I still have some questions about the specifics of this role". Val nods, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes, "Of course, feel free to ask me anything". I take a moment to gather my thoughts before speaking. "Firstly, what exactly would my responsibilities entail as a talent scout? And how involved would I be in the day-to-day operations of the studio?". Val leans back in his chair, considering my question thoughtfully. "As a talent scout, your main responsibility would be to seek out and recruit new talent for the studio. This could involve attending events with me, scouting potential performers and conducting auditions. You would also be responsible for nurturing and developing relationships with our talent, ensuring their success within the industry". I listen intently, absorbing his words as I consider the implications of the role. "And what about other aspects of the job? You mentioned there would be some additional tasks involved". He nods, "Yes, there may be some administrative tasks and project management duties from time to time. However, your primary focus would be on talent acquisition and development. There may be some other little bits that I need you for, nothing serious, but some things that may come up... in the moment, let's say". I nod, "Thank you for clarifying".

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