Chapter 38 : Long Day

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Valentino's ominous words send a shiver down my spine, but I refuse to show any signs of weakness. I hold his gaze steadily, silently daring him to make a move. With a dismissive wave of his hand, Valentino gestures for Angel to step forward. "You" he says, his voice cold and calculating, "have a lot of explaining to do". Angel shifts nervously under Valentino's piercing gaze, but he stands his ground, his jaw set in defiance. "I'm not afraid of you anymore" he says, his voice trembling slightly. Valentino's smirk widens, his eyes darkening. "You should be" he replies, his tone dripping with menace. "You may have run away for a while, but you know that there's no escaping me".

As Valentino uses the smoke from his cigarette to create a menacing chain around Angel's neck, I feel a surge of anger and fear rising within me. I instinctively take a step forward, ready to intervene, but Angel's pleading gaze stops me in my tracks. I can see the silent plea in his eyes, urging me to hold back, to resist the urge to confront Valentino. Despite the fear and defiance burning bright in his eyes, I can also see a glimmer of resignation, a silent acceptance of the cruel fate that has been forced upon him. Reluctantly, I heed Angel's silent request, holding myself back as Valentino forces him to the ground with a cruel display of dominance. Every fiber of my being screams to intervene, to put an end to Valentino's torment, but I know that doing so would only make things worse for Angel. Instead, I stand rooted to the spot, my fists clenched in impotent rage as I watch helplessly.

Valentino's voice cuts through the tense silence like a whip cracking in the air, his words dripping with venom and malice. "Don't you forget, Angel" he hisses, his eyes narrowed into slits as he towers over the trembling figure on the ground. "You belong to me. No matter where you go or what you try to do, that will never change. You are my property, mine to do with as I please". I watch in silent horror as Valentino's cruel words echo through the room, each syllable like a hammer blow to my heart. It's a stark reminder of the harsh reality of our existence in this hellish world, where power and control reign supreme, and the weak are mere playthings for the strong.

But despite Valentino's chilling declaration, I refuse to let despair consume me. I lock eyes with Angel, silently conveying my unwavering support and determination to stand by his side, no matter what horrors lie ahead. Valentino's cruel laughter fills the room, a chilling symphony of sadism and domination. "Remember that" he sneers, his voice dripping with contempt. "You may have a semblance of freedom now, living at the hotel instead of the studio, but make no mistake—you are still mine, and I will always have control over you". His smoke chain dissipates with a flick of his wrist, and he gestures towards the door. "Angel. Get to the main studio. You've got a shoot to prepare for" he commands, his voice dripping with authority. "And make it quick. I have high expectation. There's a lot to make up for, get ready for a very long and busy shift". Angel nods silently, a mix of fear and resignation clouding his eyes, before hastily exiting the room.

Valentino's eyes narrow in a glare as he gestures impatiently toward the door. "Why are you still standing there? Don't you have work to do?" His tone is sharp and commanding. But then, as if flicking a switch, his demeanor softens, and he offers me a reassuring smile. "Don't be upset, Amor" he says gently, his voice honeyed with false sincerity. "I had to handle Angel that way. It's all just business, you know how it is". I nod, though the unease still lingers in the air like a heavy fog. "Of course" I reply, forcing a smile of my own. "I understand". I understand that you're a dickhead.  With that, Valentino gestures toward the door again, this time with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Well, then, off you go" he says breezily. "Back to work". But as I turn to leave, I can't shake the feeling that things are far from settled.

Leaving Valentino's office, I feel a mixture of frustration and trepidation swirling within me. His curt dismissal and the tension hanging in the air make it clear that bothering him further would only invite trouble. With a heavy sigh, I make my way to the admin office, the familiar hum of computers and the scent of paper filling the air. Inside, I spot a quiet imp hunched over a computer, engrossed in his work. Approaching him cautiously, I clear my throat to get his attention. "Hey" I say, keeping my voice low, not wanting to disturb the peace of the room. "Do you happen to know if there are any tasks that need to be taken care of around here? Val's in a pretty foul mood, and I'd rather not risk getting on his bad side by bothering him further". The imp glances up from his screen, giving me a sympathetic nod. "Yeah, I noticed he's been in a mood today" he replies, understanding my predicament. "Let me check the schedule. I'm sure there's something you can help with". As he scrolls through the digital files, I can't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me.

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