Chapter 40: It's A New Day

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As Charlie led me towards the hotel's living room, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence. Her easygoing demeanor and genuine concern had a way of putting me at ease, even after the tumultuous events of the day. Settling onto the plush sofa, I let out a sigh of contentment as I sank into the cushions. Charlie took a seat beside me, her eyes filled with curiosity. "So, how was your time with Vox?" she asked, her voice gentle and inviting. "Did the detox go well?".  I shifted in my seat, the memory of Vox's confession still fresh in my mind, feeling a heat creep up my cheeks. "It was... fine," I replied vaguely, hoping to skirt around the topic. But Charlie wasn't one to let things slide. "Just fine?" she pressed, her eyebrows raised inquisitively. "Come on, how are things between you and Vox". I felt a flush rise to my cheeks at her probing questions, the memory of Vox's heartfelt words echoing in my mind. "Well, we're getting along okay" I admitted reluctantly, trying to downplay the significance of it.

Charlie's eyes lit up with excitement, sensing that there was more to the story. "Okay?" she echoed, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "There's gotta be more than just 'okay.' Spill the gossip, I saw how you two were with each other when he came to pick you up". I laughed nervously, feeling the heat of embarrassment creeping up my neck. "It's nothing, really" I insisted, though I knew she wouldn't let me off the hook that easily. Leaning in closer, she fixed me with a knowing look. "Come on" she urged, her tone playful yet persistent. "You can't fool me. There's definitely more to this story than you're letting on".  I hesitated, torn between wanting to confide in her and keeping Vox's confession to myself, well other than Velvette. But as her gaze softened with genuine concern, I knew that I couldn't keep it bottled up any longer. Taking a deep breath, I finally relented. "Well, he... he told me something" I admitted hesitantly, feeling a rush of vulnerability wash over me.

I couldn't contain the giddiness that welled up inside me. "He told me he loves me" I confessed, my voice barely above a whisper. "And... I liked it. A lot". As I revealed his confession to Charlie, her reaction was nothing short of explosive. She let out a squeal of excitement, her eyes sparkling with unbridled joy. "Oh my gosh, that's amazing!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing with enthusiasm. "I knew there was something special between you two!". Her excitement was contagious, and I couldn't help but laugh at her exuberance. "Yeah, it was... unexpected" I admitted, feeling a rush of warmth at the memory of his heartfelt words. But Charlie was already off and running with her imagination, her thoughts racing ahead to future possibilities. "So, when's the wedding?" she teased, her tone playful yet hopeful. "I can already picture it: you in a gorgeous gown, Vox looking dapper in a suit... I mean... he always wears a suit, but a different one!" I couldn't help but roll my eyes at her enthusiasm, though a part of me couldn't help but wonder about the future too.

"Hold your horses" I replied with a laugh. "I don't even know if we're officially dating yet".  Charlie's excitement faltered for a moment, her expression turning thoughtful. "Oh," she said, her tone subdued. Her expression softened with understanding, though her determination remained steadfast. "Well, why don't you just ask him?" she suggested, her tone matter-of-fact. "It only seems fair, especially after he confessed his feelings to you". Her words gave me pause, the simplicity of her suggestion resonating with me. "I guess you're right" I admitted, feeling a sense of clarity wash over me. "I should talk to him and figure things out". She nods in agreement, a supportive smile playing on her lips. "Exactly" she replied, her tone encouraging. "Communication is key in any relationship. And who knows? Maybe this will be the start of something wonderful". Feeling a sense of gratitude for her wise advice, I nodded in agreement. "Thanks" I said sincerely, grateful for her unwavering support. "I'll talk to Vox soon and see where things go from there".

Leaving Charlie behind, I ascended the staircase to my room, feeling a sense of solitude wash over me. The soft glow of the hallway lights guided me as I made my way to the comfort of my own space. Entering my room, I closed the door behind me and took a moment to breathe deeply, allowing the weight of the day to settle. With a weary sigh, I began to prepare for bed, shedding the layers of clothing that clung to me like a second skin. As I slipped into something more comfortable, the events of the day replayed in my mind like a broken record. The uncertainty of my relationship with Vox weighed heavily on me, overshadowing the sense of warmth and affection I felt for him. But as I climbed into bed and pulled the covers up to my chin, I made a silent vow to confront my feelings head-on. Whatever the outcome of my conversation with Vox, I knew that I couldn't continue to bury my emotions beneath a facade of uncertainty. With that resolution firm in my mind, I allowed the gentle embrace of sleep to wash over me, knowing that tomorrow would bring with it a new day filled with endless possibilities. And as I drifted off into slumber, I couldn't help but hope that clarity would soon be within reach.

—————- Lazy Author Time Skip———————

In the days following the incident at the club, Val's demeanor had gradually softened, and we had managed to find some semblance of friendship once again. His usual charm and wit had returned, smoothing over the rough edges of our previous tension. As I entered the studio, I noticed Velvette engaged in conversation with Val, their voices animated as they discussed plans for an upcoming fashion show. Velvette's presence always added a touch of elegance to any conversation, and her keen eye for fashion made her an invaluable asset to Val's studio. When Velvette caught sight of me, her face lit up with genuine delight, she walks over to me, leaving Val to continue his sketching. "Well, if it isn't our favorite admin assistant", she exclaimed, her voice carrying across the room. "Come here, you!". With a warm smile, I made my way over to her, feeling a sense of warmth wash over me at her enthusiastic greeting. As she enveloped me in a tight hug, I couldn't help but return the gesture, grateful for her kindness and support. "It's good to see you, Velvette," I replied, my voice filled with genuine warmth. "What's all this about a fashion show?". She pulled back, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Oh, just some new designs Val and I have been working on," she explained, her enthusiasm contagious. "I can't wait to show you. You're going to love them!".

As we approached the desk adorned with Velvette's fashion sketches, I couldn't help but admire the intricate designs sprawled across the surface. Velvette explained her creative process, mentioning how she relied on Val's artistic skills to bring her ideas to fruition. Just then, Val looked up from his work, a faint smirk playing on his lips as he caught sight of me. "Good morning" he greeted, his voice smooth as silk. "Admiring my handiwork, I see". She chuckled softly, shooting him a playful glance. "Your handiwork indeed" she replied, her tone teasing. "I had the ideas, but I needed your magic touch to give them life"

. Val's smirk widened into a grin, his eyes alight with mischief. "Well, you know me" he quipped, his tone laced with faux modesty. "A man of many talents". As I studied Val's sketches, a sense of awe washed over me. "I had no idea you could draw like this" I admitted, genuinely impressed by his skill. Val shrugged nonchalantly, though a hint of pride gleamed in his eyes. "Just a little hobby of mine" he replied casually, though his words belied the depth of his talent. As I continued to peruse the sketches, I couldn't help but feel a newfound sense of admiration for Val. Beneath his charming exterior lay a wealth of creativity and talent, waiting to be unleashed upon the world. And as I watched him and Velvette interact, I couldn't help but feel grateful to be a part of their creative journey.

As I admired the sketches, a desire to contribute to the creative process bubbled up within me. "Is there anything I can do to help?" I inquired, eager to lend a hand in any way I could. They both exchanged a knowing glance, as if they had been waiting for me to offer. "Actually, there is" she replied, her eyes alight with excitement. "We need a model to try on some of these outfits, and I think you'd be perfect". I felt a rush of excitement at the prospect of being involved in the fashion show in such a hands-on way, wouldn't be the first time I've tried out outfits for Velvette either. "I'd love to!" I exclaimed eagerly, unable to hide the enthusiasm in my voice. Val nodded in agreement, a thoughtful expression crossing his features. "And I could use your input as well" he added, his tone serious. "Having someone model the outfits will give us a better idea of how they'll look on stage". I couldn't believe my luck at being given such an important role in the preparations for the fashion show, so much better than doing paperwork.  "I'm honoured" I replied sincerely, feeling a sense of pride swell within me. "Just tell me what you need me to do". With Velvette and Val's guidance, we began to delve into the details of the outfits, discussing fabrics, colors, and accessories with fervour, as we worked together to bring their vision to life.

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