Chapter 20 : Heated Conversations

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As we step into Vox's place, the familiar warmth of his home envelops me. Vark greets us with a wagging tail, his enthusiasm infectious. "Hey buddy" I say, bending down to scratch the top of his head, earing a happy whimper in response. "Missed you too". Vox chuckles at the sight, his eyes softening as he watches us interact. "Someone's glad you're back" he remarks, moving to the kitchen to set dinner out on the table. I smile, following him and taking a seat at the table. The tantalizing aroma of food fills the air as Vox sets a steaming dish in front of me. "Wow, this looks amazing" I exclaim, taking in the plate in front of me with a mixture of surprise and delight. "You didn't have to go to all this trouble". He shrugs nonchalantly, a playful glint in his eyes. "Consider it a welcome home feast" he says, flashing me a grin. "Besides, it's the least I could do after dragging you all the way here". I laugh, shaking my head. "Hey, I volunteered" I protest, reaching for a fork and digging into the delicious meal before me.

As we enjoy our meal, Vox's expression turns thoughtful, his gaze drifting momentarily before returning to meet mine. "So, about earlier" he begins, his tone gentle yet probing. "I couldn't help but notice you were with Val today. What's going on?". I pause mid-bite, caught off guard by the sudden shift in conversation. Setting down my fork, I meet Vox's gaze, trying to gauge his reaction before responding. "It's nothing, really" I reply, my tone casual despite the twinge of guilt tugging at my conscience. "Val just wanted to show me around the studio, that's all". He raises an eyebrow, a hint of scepticism in his expression. "Just showing you around, huh?" he muses, his voice laced with curiosity. "Seems like more than just a casual tour, considering how secretive he usually is about his business". I swallow, suddenly feeling the weight of Vox's scrutiny bearing down on me. "Well, okay, he offered me a job and I... I took it". As I disclose that I've accepted a job offer from Val, Vox's demeanour shifts abruptly. His brows furrow and his screen flashes and glitches before he regains his compose. I notice some deep marks left in the table, from his blue claws. "You did what?" he demands, his tone a mixture of disbelief and anger. I flinch at his reaction, realising this decision has definitely sparked a conflict between us. Just like Valentino said it would. "I...I accepted a job with Val", I admit reluctantly, bracing myself for his response. His body tightens and his expression betrays a mix of disappointment and concern. "Why would you do that?" he asks, his voice laced with frustration. "After everything I've told you about him, about his intentions, after all of those uncomfortable interactions with him..."

I swallow hard, avoiding meeting his eyes, suddenly feeling the weight of his disappointment bearing down on me. "I know, I know" I reply. "But I needed a job, and... and it seemed like the best option at the time". Vox's frustration boils over, "How could you be so naïve?" he exclaims, his voice showing his disbelief. "Do you have any idea what you're getting yourself into? Val is not to be trusted. He will use you and manipulate you... Now he's got your soul, he can do whatever he wants to you!". I wince at his harsh words, stung by the intensity of his rection. "I... I understand your concerns, Vox" I reply, my voice soft. "But it's just a job. Also, there's no soul-selling involved. I promise". He looks at me, shocked by the last part. Clearly Valentino doesn't have many employees that he doesn't own. His shock gives way to deep-seated concern, his face softening slightly as he absorbs my words. "You still need to be careful" he insists, his tone urgent. "Val may not have your soul now, but he'll try to get it one way or another. He's not someone to underestimate". His words send a shiver down my spine, "I know" I reply, "And I promise to be cautious. I won't let him manipulate me".

Vox's voice trembles with a mix of anger and concern as he leans in closer, his eyes locking onto mine with intensity. "How stupid are you?" he exclaims, his frustration palpable. "Don't you remember what happened not so long ago? His smoke had you practically under his spell, sitting on his lap like some puppet". His words strike a nerve, and I can't help but feel a pang of guilt at my recklessness. "I know, Vox" I reply sheepishly, hanging my head in shame. "But I don't think he's going to use his smoke to get my soul. It's just a job, nothing more". His concern deepens, his voice laced with urgency. "Why do you think he won't use his smoke to get your soul?" he questions. "It's never just a job with Val. If you continue to work for him, he'll find a way to get your soul, and you know it!". His words weigh heavily on me, stirring up a whirlwind of doubt and fear. "I... I don't know" I admit, my voice barely above a whisper. "But I need this job, Vox... I need the money, and Val promised it wouldn't involve my soul". I mean he didn't promise, but close enough right... He shakes his head in disbelief, his eyes filled with frustration. He smacks a closed fist against the table, blue sparks shooting out. "Don't you see? That's exactly what he wants you to think" he retorts, his voice firm. "You're playing right into his hands".

Our argument escalates, tension cracking in the air. "You don't understand, do you?" he exclaims, exasperation evident in his voice. "I know first hand just how charming Val can be. He'll promise you the world and then snatch it away when you least expect it". I shake my head, refusing to back down. "Okay, so what, what if offers me a contract that doesn't include anything sex or porn-related, just me doing regular office work?" I suggest, desperately searching for a glimmer of hope. Vox's laughter cuts through the air, sharp and bitter as he runs a clawed hand along the side of his screen. "Oh, sweetheart, you really think Val's interested in anything other than sex?" he scoffs, his tone tinged with resignation. "He'll manipulate you, twist your words, and before you know it, you'll be caught in his web with no way out, being made to fuck guys left, right and centre". His words sent a chill down my spine, but I can't bring myself to concede defeat. "I have to try, Vox" I insist, determination flaring within me. "I can't let fear hold me back from opportunities".

Vox's words cut through the tension like a knife, his frustration boiling over as he lashes out in desperation. "Do you really think Val's offering you anything other than a chance to be one of his sluts?" he snaps, his tone sharp with bitterness. "That's the only opportunity you're going to get with him". His words hit me like a punch to the gut, the sting of his accusation ringing in my ears as I struggle to find a response. "That's not true", I protest, my voice trembling. "I'm not naïve, Vox. I know what I'm getting into". He shakes his head, "You have no idea what you're getting into" he insists. "You're playing with fire, and you don't even seem to realize it" he warns, his voice starting to sound desperate. I bristle at his words, my own frustration mounting as I push back against his warnings. Valentino told me he would be possessive, he wasn't kidding. "I know what I'm doing" I retort, my tone defensive. "I'm not going to let him control me, I can play games too!". He shakes his head, his expression pained. "You're being naïve" he insists, his voice tinged with regret. "And I can't stand by and watch you walk into a trap". His words sting, cutting deeper than I care to admit. Hurt a frustration welling up inside me, I rise abruptly from my seat. "Fine" I snap, my voice trembling with emotion. "If you won't support me, then I'll figure this out on my own". Without waiting for a response, I turn and storm out of the room, leaving Vox's words echoing in my ears as I flee the scene. 

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