Stuck with you

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(akaashi pov)

"Shit!" The girl in front of me bangs on the elevator doors to no avail.

"Stop that, it won't work." I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

"Ugh, this is stupid." She huffs, looking around.

"Why, princess? Don't wanna be stuck with me?" I hear myself tease.

What the hell did I just say??

"What? No! Well, not to sound rude but I don't know you." She rolls her eyes. "And I can already tell you're probably pretty annoying."

"I assure you darling, I am not annoying." I continue with my flirty teasing.

What is wrong with me???

"Sure, if pigs could fly." She scoffs.

"Feisty are you?" I sigh inwardly at my teasing again, then decide to be a gentleman again because I really don't want her to hate me if we're gonna be stuck here for the next few hours. And we might be neighbours, in the same building at least.

"Here, sit." I lay down my handkerchief for her.


"We're probably gonna be stuck here for a while so you'd might as well sit down." I say, sitting down opposite her, leaning against the wall.

"Of all the people to be stuck with, why you?" She laments, sitting down nonetheless.

"I'll have you know that I am wonderful company" I say.


What is wrong with me today?? Did Bokuto slip crack into my cookie or something??

"So what's your name?" I ask.

"Why do you wanna know?" She asks.

"Would you prefer me to call you princess?" I ask sarcastically.

"...L/n Y/n." She sighs finally.

"Nice to meet you, L/n-san." I smile, testing out the name.

What a pretty name...

"And you are?" She prompts.

"Akaashi, Akaashi Keiji." I grin.

"Akaashi-san." She tests. "I would say that it's nice to meet you but y'know..."

(your pov)

He tips his head back in a laugh, his voice a deep rumble. But his laugh is so cute. It's so hard to hate him, when he's actually being nice now, and he's hot so that helps.

"Sorry." He chuckles. "I honestly don't know why I said all of that, I swear."

"I'll pretend I believe you." I say, it comes out more affectionate than I had wanted. I was originally gonna say "It's alright, wouldn't want your pretty head to be worried." but um. That would be bad right?

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that." He smiles.

God he's cute

"How old are you?" He asks.


"Hey, so am I!" He smiles.

"Are you in college?" I ask, suddenly curious.

"Yeah, I'm doing literature." He says.

"Literature type huh?" I muse.

"Nah, I just don't like math. I am good at math though." He shrugs. "And you?"

Akaashi Keiji x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now