I love you more than the world

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(akaashi pov)

I think I'm broken or something because why have I been watching my girlfriend sleep.

No wait I'm not broken I'm just...really in love?

God this is making me sound like such a creep.

Who watches people sleep like that????

Aparently me, since I contined to do it for another fifteen minutes until I realised I was doing it again.


"Gah!" I startle, jumping as Y/n murmurs my name, half-asleep. I sigh out a breath. "What is it love?"

"Thirsty." She opens her eyes wearily, sitting up slightly.

"Gotcha." I grab her bottle from the side table and pass it to her as she sits up properly.

"Thanks." She smiles as she takes the bottle.

"Good morning darling." I chuckle.

"What time is it?" She asks.

"One thirty."


"What time did you sleep yesterday?" I ask.

"..." She looks away guiltily.


"Three forty." She mutters.

"Y/n-" I take her chin and bring it to my face. "You need to sleep earlier."

"Sorryyyyyy." She sighs as I sigh.

"Yeah yeah." I smile despite myself, amused by how adorable she is. I plant a kiss on her lips.

"Get up. I made lunch." I let her go and stand up from the bed.

"Right right." She groans, shuffling to the edge.

No clue how but she ended up half on my side of the bed.

"You sleep like a starfish." I wrinkle my nose.

"I've heard that a lot." She calls as she makes her way to the bathroom.

I hear the tap running as she brushes her teeth and smile. However much of a night owl my girlfriend is, and however much she takes over my side of the bed, and however late she wakes up everyday, I love her more than the world.

God how'd I get so lucky?

She steps out of the bathroom, looking at her phone.

"Hey we have a dinner with-"

"I love you more than the world." I blurt

"What?" She looks up.

"Sorry. You were saying?" I shake my head.

"Love you too babe." She smiles. "Anyways we have a dinner with Konoha tommorow so don't forget."

"...I'll be the one forgeting?" I say slowly.

"You should know by now that that means "make sure I don't forget"." She shrugs.

"My bad." I laugh. "I'll make sure."



ive been busy

schools been...bad
lifes been...bad
in general just bad but ykw thats-thats fine
(you dont lnow how much ive been crying recently and for WHAT. FOR NOTHING. WHAT HAVE I BEEN EVEN CRYING FOR.)
i blame the sad instagram reels that are a bit to real

anyways um i hope you had a better week than i had
tbh i dont think thisll get better but wtv

have a good night/day🎨


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