Arcade & Laughs

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(3rd person)

"Keiji! Let's play air hockey!"


Y/n and her boyfriend were currently standing at opposite sides of an air hockey table in a very busy arcade, facing off in an epic battle that lasted a whole 10 minutes. They were damn serious.

"AHH! NO NO NO, shit." Y/n sighed as Keiji scored the final point, winning the match.

"Don't be sad y/n, I'm just better." He gloated, laughing his ass of.

"Shut up!" She glared at him, pouting.

"Come on, let's go to the claw machines. I know you loveee those!" He ruffled her hair, taking her hand and dragging her along.

"Wait really? You never let me play claw machines!" Y/n exclaimed, shocked.

"Just this once." Her boyfriend winked.

They made their way through the crowded arcade to the claw machine area. Y/n looked at all of the claw machines and the options before she finally selected one to play. Of course, she was going for a giant eevee plush. She tried four times to get the plushie but eventually Akaashi started pitying her and just decided to help her. By some INSANE LUCK, he got it first try.

Y/n was speechless.

"Here's the plush love." Keiji handed it to her, completely unfazed. The girl was staring at him mouth opened in shock.

"Not fair." She muttered as she looped her arm around Akaashi's outstretched one, still clutching the plush close to her chest.

"Love, I think the eevee is going to become anorexic if you keeping hugging it so tight." He chuckled, smiling down at her.

"Oh." She loosened her grip quickly looking down at the plush. Truth be told, the neck of the plush was a lot thinner as the stuffing had been pushed to the head and body.


Keiji began laughing uncontrolably.

Y/n stopped to admire his laugh. It was such a beautiful sound, so joyous, like a child's giggle. It was her favourite sound in the whole world, she didn't get to hear it very much, but it made her day everytime. She felt the corners of her lips go up, the pout she had on her face turned into a wide grin of pure happiness. She felt her best with him. Her moon.

And she was his sun.

The rest of the date went on, the pair played many games, laughing like five year okds at times. Y/n won a few times, but it was mostly just Keiji that one their matches. Even so, when it came time for the last game, Y/n... pulled through and actually won! Or at least that's what she thought. Keiji had let her win because he loved it when she smiled and teased him for losing, he loved to hear her laugh.

"Your laugh is my favourite sound"

This one ended up more short and thoughtful than I expected I'll be honest. Leave any requests or suggestions below

edit: im making this into its own book out on my profile call "sun and the moon"

have a good day/night🍘


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