Dog park

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(akaashi pov)

he has a golden retriever named bowie now🥺🥺 also photographer au

I grab the leash and call for Bowie, who comes trotting to me happily. I smile at the sound of his little tippy tappies as he makes his way to me.

The moment he sees the leash he goes into full zoomies happiness mode.



I try to calm my dog down as I wrestle on his collar and leash. Bowie licks my face and hands with excitement, tapping his paws on the floor impatiently.

Finally I get the collar on and open the door. Bowie speeds through the door, dragging me along with him as I grab at his leash. Eventually he slows down and we settle into a nice walking pace.

That is until he spots a squirrel and-


I can feel people staring as I try to wrangle my dog back into calmness as he barks continuously into a tree.

"Bowie. If you hurry we'll get to the dog park sooner." I whisper to my golden retriever as it starts trying to climb the freaking tree.

He turns sharply and starts trotting in the direction of the dog park like nothing happened. The only thing that'll get him to move.


"Finally." I mutter under my breath as we make the five minute walk to the dog park that somehow turned into twenty as Bowie decided to chase every. Single. Squirrel or leaf. He saw.

I let Bowie off the leash to go run around and find a place to sit down with my camera. One good thing about having Bowie is being able to take my camera along at take pictures. Other thing being, of course, the unconditional love.

I find a spot under a big oak tree, shaded from the sun, and settle down. Pulling out my camera from it's bag and turning it on.

"Hey could I sit here...?"

I look up to see a- wow- a h/c haired girl standing over me. She's holding a medium sized brown...poodle? in her arms, who is currently struggling to get out of her grip.

"Uh- Yeah of course." I shake myself, blinking in surprise.

"Thanks a lo- ow! Pepper stop-" She gets cut off mid sentence as he dog basically slaps her in the face.

I laugh, unable to help myself.

She looks up with a sheepish smile before sighing and letting her dog loose to go run about.

"Gosh. Such a pain." She huffs as she settles down next to me.

"Love 'em anyways." I shrug.

"You're right." The girl smiles, laughing.

God she's cute.

"What's your name?" I ask. "I mean, I already know what your dog's is."

"I'm Y/n." She answers with a small laugh before she points towards the figure of her dog a little while away. "That's Pepper. You knew that though."

"That I did." I smile, dipping my head.

"And you?" She asks, slightly teasingly. "What's your dog's name?"

"Gee. Nice to meet you too." I eye her, holding back a smile.

She shrugs, smiling.

"My dog is Bowie. Pain in the ass." I say, pointing at the golden retriever, who's currently chasing his own tail.

Akaashi Keiji x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now