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(your pov)

So I have this thing with my boyfriend where I give him all of my red skittles. Why?

Because I hate the red skittles. And he loves them for some weird reason.

Today my friends got to find out about this.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Konoha asks me, a weird look on his face. "Why are you seperating all of the red skittles from the others???"

"They're for Keiji" I say, before going back to seperating the skittles.


"Because she hates them. For no reason." Keiji chuckles, glancing over.

"And you love them. For no reason." I wrinkle my nose.

"Stop with the lovey dovey sappy shit." Konoha rolled his eyes.

"Okay Konoha stop right the fuck there." I scoff. "You do the sappy shit with Kaori all the damn time."

"He's just mad that she isn't here." Bokuto yelled from the other side of the table.

"Don't be sad Konoha, she'll be back in two weeks!" Komi grinned.

"You guys suck." He sighed.

"You set yourself up for that." I quip. "Now don't make fun of me and my Keiji's skittle habits."

"That one was lowkey weird, Y/n." Keiji, leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"Ew." Konoha side eyed me.

"Oh well."


have a good night/day🧶


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