After match

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(akaashi pov) (a/n: ive been doing so much of his pov recently omg)

We're almost there. It's match point and Bokuto is playing his best game right now. I'm sure we're winning tonight.

I watch carefully as their setter, a smart guy with honestly amazing stamina, gets into position. There's two spikers in the front row, and both are running for a shot.

The setter is smart. He knows we're on match point.

It'll be the ace.

I wait the few moments for the timing to be just right before I jump. I feel the hard back row attack slam into my hand, sending my arm flying back.

But it's a touch.

I turn quickly, yelling the words.

"One touch!"

Everyone's in position and Washio sends the ball high into the air, the perfect pass. I walk the few paces to be in position to set, I see Bokuto getting into his own position, see Konoha starting his run up as his decoy.

I jump up slightly and make the set. It's obvious and not a single person in the gym didn't think it, but the last ball had to be Bokuto.

He'd pout for hours if I didn't set him the last ball, if we're being honest.

"Bokuto! Last one!" I yell, giving him his favourite set. A high ball, close to the net but not too close.

"HEY HEY HEY!" Bokuto yelled as he took his run up and spiked.

The ball slammed straight through the block and into the ground behind. The whistle blows for the final point and I hear the crowd erupt in cheers. This being nationals, of course, the rest of the team yells in excitement too.

I practically flop onto the floor next to Bokuto in exhaustion while the rest of the team crashes into us.

"HELL YEAH GUYS!" I hear Komi yell.


"Yeah. I saw it. You were great." I look up with a tired smile at my best friend.

"Come on man." Washio helps me up. "Let's go shake hands."


On the bench coach Yamiji congradulates us and gives us all a pat on the back. He gives me a sympathetic smile, since I had to deal with Bokuto being an ass the whole match. And because I'd been running more than usual, for a strategy we set up in the second set.

"Good job all of you. You guys did great." He says. "Now go take a break, and eat something."

"Thanks." We all chorus.

I'm kinda antsy to get away, mostly because it means I get to see Y/n, who came to watch the match. And also I'm exhausted.

I grab my stuff and throw it into my gym bag, plus a banana from Yukie and make my way towards the exit. Bokuto throws my jacket at me as I leave, yawning.

I look around for my favourite person, knowing she probably ran down the moment the match finished.


I turn to see my beautiful girlfriend running up to me happily. I envelope her with a hug as she barrels into me.

"Hey love." I whisper into her hair.

"Ew you're sweaty." She laughs, pulling away.

"Meanie." I pout.

"Kidding." She laughs, popping a kiss on my cheek. "Great match by the way. You were awesome."

"Thanks." I smile, finally releasing her from my hold.

She loops her arm through mine, holding onto me happily as I peel my banana and start to eat.

"Akaashi! Get over here!"

I turn and see Bokuto waving me over.

"Shit. I'll be back in a bit." I sigh.


(your pov)

I look up as I hear my name being called out loudly. By none other than Bokuto.

"Hey Bo." I sigh, shrinking as many eyes turn our way.

"Hey hey hey!" He grins, waving his arms around.

The two boys are wearing their Fukurodani jackets now, which can only mean that they've changed out of their jerseys. And one other thing, of course.

"Hey love." Keiji smiles, holding out a scrunched up shirt.

"This is for you."

"So predictable." I tease, taking the jersey from him. "Hold my bag?"

I slip the jersey over my head and it falls over my body. The oversized shirt reaches up to my mid thigh, very nearly covering up my entire school skirt.

"How do I look?" I grin at my boyfriend, striking a cute pose.

"Perfect." He says affectionately, hooking an arm around my neck.

"People tell me this tradition is weird y'know?" I inform him, poking his cheek.

"Well they can go suck a jellyfish." Keiji shrugs.

"And here I thought you were nice." I shake my head jokingly.

"Lovely presumptions, baby." He blows me kiss, laughing.

"Charming." I deadpan, holding back giggles.

"Aren't I?" He says braggingly, flashing a lopsided grin.

"You are." I lose the act, kissing his cheek fondly.

Keiji opens his mouth to say something else when we hear a shout from the other end of the room.


That was Konoha.

"Too late." I giggle as Keiji pulls me in for a kiss.


THIS TOOK SO ACTUALLY LONG TO WRITE IM SO- if its bad then oh well bc im not rewriting this shit again

i was originally gonna make it more about you wearing akaashi's jersey but like i dont mind how it turned out
ill just have to make a different one for that

anyways im officially on summer break so im happy😃😃imma try to write more so look out for new stuff

yk that idea i was gonna do about a new akaashi book?
yeah i completwly forgot about it and i revisited it and im gonna try to maybe start writing it
ive written a bit for the first chapter but im gonna plan and brainstorm more of the story (bc i didnt do that with s&tm and it ended up rlly mish mashed) so yeah
look out for that somewhere in the maybe near future?

idk yet it might take a bit to get everything straightened out bc i dont rlly have that many ideas for it

so ya
sorry for the long ass a/n

have a good day/night🎻


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