Rooftop Snuggles

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(your pov)

"Ugh, Why did I decide to bring such a heavy blanket." I grumble, climbing the ladder up to the roof.

We're at Nekoma for a training camp, I became the third manager for fukurodani since both Kaori and Yukie are seniors. I'm a first year so since Bokuto is my brother, I'm still good friends with Kuroo and Kenma. Akaashi too, but he's harder to talk to, I'll admit, I do have a small crush on him. But it's not like I'm telling him that.

"Y/n?" I look up to see Akaashi looking down at me.

"Akaashi?" I startle, nearly falling off the ladder.

"Careful." He says, grabbing my arm. "Here, let me help you."


How the hell is he here???? Did my thoughts summon him or some shit???

"Why are you up?" He asks, taking the blanket from my hand and helping me up.

"Couldn't sleep." I admit. "You too?"

"Yeah." He gives me a small smile, barely visible in the moonlight.

"Care to join me?" He asks, gesturing to a blanket laid out a few paces away.

"Sure." I say shyly, hoping it's dark enough that he can't see the blush on my cheeks.

"Is it cold?" He asks as I shiver, a cold wind blowing through my hair, tickling my neck.

"A little." I nod.

"Come and sit, now we have two blankets, at least." He takes my hand gently, leading me to sit down on his blanket.

"Thanks." I say, settling down next to him and pulling the blanket over my lap.

"Hey Y/n? I'm gonna say something and I want you to promise that you won't hate me." Akaashi says randomly.

"I would never hate you, Akaashi." I say, cocking my head in confusion.

"Just promise." He insists.

"I promise." I say, holding out my hand for a pinky promise.

He takes it, not letting go as he takes a deep breath and opens his mouth to speak.

"I-I'm in love with you."

Wait what?

(akaashi pov)

Shit, I definitely messed up.

I'm gonna be honest, I was so surprised when I saw Y/n climbing up the damn ladder with a blanket double her size. Even more so when I offered for her to join me. Safe to say that I have no damn clue how I ended up here, confessing to my best friend's little sister. And her being completely silent.

"Wait what?"

"I- uh, I love you?" I repeat, swallowing hard.

I squeeze my eyes shut, braced to feel her slap me and run the fuck away. Instead I feel a small body crash into mine, her arms wrapping around my torso in a hug.

"Y/n?" I blink, letting my arms settle on her back.

"I love you too." She mumbles into my chest.

Except it sounded more like "Ar Rhuf Yhum tooh" her voice muffled by the fabric of my shirt. I feel a huge grin break out across my face, I pull her up by the sides so that I can look at her. She has a a faint blush on her face, and a huge smile adorns her pretty features. I pull her closer, breathing in her warm scent, also hopefully making her less cold.

And that's how I spent the rest of my night cuddling and chatting with my best friend's little sister! Honestly, it was actually really fun. We talked for hours, she ranted about various things that were pissing her off, I got to hear about her favourite anime, I even got to know more about her family, and her hobbies, and her best friends.

I told her about volleyball, mainly of her brother's annoying habits, honestly just anything we thought of. It's strange how easily we talked, after not being close at all. There were some times where we didn't talk and just sat together, other times where our voices and laughter would completely fill the quiet night air. We seperated after watching the sunrise together, scared that someone might catch us.

I'm more scared of Bokuto finding out.

He'll probably start obssesing and never shut up about it.

Honestly I'd rather him be mad than that.

Unfortunately, he was in fact, not mad, and said that he had been shipping us for months and kept yapping about it for the whole entire day.

At least his sister is sane...

is this cute or corny?? i cant tell anymore tbh
(this was requested by my irl friend)

have a good day/night💎


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