She's mine

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(your pov)


I'm at my boyfriend, Akaashi Keiji's, volleyball match, cheering my fucking heart out. Even though I'm technically cheering for all of them by saying "go fukurodani" and "you got this guys" I really only have eyes for Keiji. We agreed to keep us dating a secret for a few months, we've been dating for six months so I think we'll reveal it in a month or two.

"GO FUKURODANI!" I yell again after they win a point.

They're playing against some school called Nekoma, I've never heard of it but they seem strong.

Nekoma calls a time-out, and the guys go to the side of the court where the coach is. As they gather around the coach, Keiji looks up, seeing me and giving me a small, sweet smile, waving slightly. I smile back, as he gets called by his teammates for something.

They win 25-23 in the third set, looking exhausted. I run down to greet them, deciding I would probably just look like a fangirl congratulating her favourite team.

"Hey! You guys did great!"

(akaashi pov)

"Hey! You guys did great!"

I look up at the familiar voice of my sweet girlfriend, she's running up to us with a grin on her pretty face. I'm a little surprised to see her but I don't mind at the moment, I feel a smile tug at my lips and try to hide it.

"Hey, who are you? I heard you cheering for us just now. What's your name? Do you go to Fukurodani? What year are you in? Do you like volleyball?" Bokuto bombareds her in questions why she just looks a helpless, a little regretful too.

"Hey that girl's pretty cute."

I hear my teammate, Konoha say to Komi.

"You should go ask her out." He says back.

"Yeah, I'm going to now." He says confidently.

Annoyance sparks inside me, I hate to say it but I'm jealous, even though I know she would say no to their flirting. I hate that MY girlfriend would be asked out by anyone other than me.

I grab her hand, pulling her away from an overenthusiastic Bokuto and wrapping my arms around her protectively.

"She's mine." I snap at the two approaching guys, who had just frozen in their footsteps.

"Woah! Sorry Akaashi." Konoha stepped back.

"Yeah, sorry dude. We had no idea." Komi agreed.


Shit. I didn't think of that.

"WHAT. AKAASHI?" I hear another idiotic voice. Kuroo. Damn idiots.

"Yes. She's my girlfriend." I sigh, still holding a very confused (and probably really happy) Y/n in my arms.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bokuto asked.


"Yo Akaashi introduce us dude." Kuroo grinned, slapping me on the back.

"Everyone this is L/n Y/n, Y/n, everyone." I sigh.

"L/n-san, you're really dating him?" Kuroo asked.

"Kuroo don't be rude." Kenma muttered from the side.

"Um, yes? He's my boyfriend." Y/n replies, frowning.

"Huh, never thought he'd get a girl before me." Kuroo mused.

"Go to hell, Kuroo." Kenma sighed. "Sorry about him. He got rejected by a girl yesterday so he's still being a salty asshole."

"Oh, no problem." Y/n laughed awkwardly.

"I'm not surprised." I remark.

"I would say to not be rude but you lowkey deserved that Kuroo." Bokuto started laughing his ass off.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes.

"Does anyone want pork buns? I'll pay." Konoha called from his side of the benches.


What the hell just happened...

sorry for not updating in a while lol (since the dancing in the rain one was just a typo mistake😅) ive had a lotta stuff for school but anyways heres two chapters to make up for it :)))

have a good day/night⛈️


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