Pen pals

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(your pov)

His first letter:

"Hello, my name is Akaashi Keiji, but I don't mind you calling me either. I'm so happy that we're penpals now so it's nice to meet you. I have a few questions, and I wrote my own answers to them too. Just to get to know each other, y'know?

1. What's your favourite colour?
2. What's your hobby?
3. Favourite food?
4. Favourite animal?
5. When's your birthday?
(December 5th)
6. If you were a condiment what would you be?


(a/n: i refuse to say that his fav food isnt onigiri ik it isnt but like i refuse ok)

I read the letter, feeling a huge smile come over my face, I can't believe I managed to keep them all. I fell in love with his writing, I fell in love with him.

His second letter:

"Hey Y/n, I was so glad to read your letter, thanks for writing back to me btw. Here are the answers to your questions:

1. If I was a potato, I'd probably wanna be made into mashed potatoes.
2. My favourite subject is literature
3. I have no clue what Haikyuu is
4. I don't have any siblings

P.S: I don't think I took all the good questions, you just can't think of any
P.P.S: That owl drawing you made at the end of your letter was adorable


I remember writing that first letter, doodling the owl at the end because he told me he liked owls. He still does. He told me in the last letter we wrote.

The third letter:

"Hello again Y/n, sorry for taking so long to write back, I've been busy with exams. How did you do for them? I hope you did well, I'm praying we both get good grades for it yeah?

I was wondering if you could draw me another owl? Like you did the last two times, I wanna show my friend! His name is Bokuto, I think you two would get along, you're both really nice, I think. He's a little strange sometimes,  he has these really annoying mood swings. Especially when he makes mistakes while we're playing volleyball, it's really annoying to deal with but I've gotten used to them now. He's an amazing spiker too, top five in the whole nation. I hope you can come watch us play sometime.

You told me in the last letter that you're going to Osaka right? Have a good holiday!


I smiled at the ending, I remember reading him write the nickname I gave him in the previous letter I sent. I'm so excited to be finally meeting him...

The fourth letter:

"Hey again. Bokuto's being annoying again but that's okay. What'd you get for finals? My results were pretty okay, A's and A+'s all around apart from English, I got a B+. My dad got mad at me for that -_-.

We're having spring interhighs soon, it's the deciding competition of the year. If we win top two, we get to go to nationals. It's top two because of how big Tokyo is, so we have two representatives. I'm pretty excited for interhigh, I think we can win, we've done it multiple times before. I'm a little worried about Bokuto's mood swings but I'm pretty sure it should be fine.

Anyways, is there anything new with you? I like knowing about you too. Wish me luck for interhighs!


I felt myself start to cry as I read the letters, I always loved reading them. It brought back so many memories, now I finally get to meet the man from our letters in person.

The fifth letter:

"*clears throat dramatically* Greetings m'lady, welcome to Keiji's letters! Upcoming on today's letter: Winnings at interhigh, Bokuto stupidity and congrats to Y/n!

We won interhigh! Like first place! This means we're going to nationals in January! I'm so excited, I really hope we can win. There are interesting teams this year, the other winner from Tokyo was Nekoma, they have a strong team with good defense. Then the other notable team is Karasuno, from Miyagi, they only recently got famous and strong. Actually I'm pretty sure they were a powerhouse a couple years ago. They have this pair of freshman with this really cool crazy quick attack. It's a setter and middle blocker duo, the setter is a genius! I'm kinda scared of them but we can pray right?

Bokuto was being stupid again, he got an ice cream and immediately dropped it when he got excited and pretended to spike. He got all sad so I bought him a new ice cream. He dropped that one too. I don't know how he's our captain... I think you should meet him, we'd all be good friends in real life. Or I'd be stuck babysitting the two of you. I'm okay with that though.

Congrats! You did so well on finals, good job on math and bio btw, I know you said you "suck" at it. So I'm happy for you!


I smiled, counting the amount of i's he added to his name. I did that in my letter before that so that's why. He always loves doing cute and thoughtful things like that.

I keep reading the rest of the letters, we exchanged them over nearly a year so there were a lot. By the time I reach the last one, it was 3 am and I was fully crying. Happy tears, I'm finally seeing him tommorow!

The last letter:

"Hey Y/n, I'm sorry if this ruins anything but I need to tell you before we meet.

I'm in love with you. I know that's weird considering that we haven't even met and I've only ever seen pictures of you, but I really think I love you. I fell in love with the way you write, the way you express so much emotion with only words. I love your owl doodles you always put at the end of letters, every one of them. I love how sweet you are but also your strange sense of humour.

I'm sorry if that sounded weird, and I'm sorry if you don't feel the same way. I'd still love to meet either way and I hope we can stay friends even if you don't like me back. Have a good night/day m'lady.

-Your Keiji"

There come the tears, bubbling excitement mixed with a happy lavender haze in my mind.

Tommorow. I see him tommorow.

(next day)

I look around anxiously, we agreed to meet up at the mall. I didn't see anyone that looked like his picture in the crowd. I stood on my tiptoes to see better, didn't work. I was about to leave in dissapointment when I heard a voice call my name. It was a boy wearing a dark blue hoodie, running up to me, waving a hand. He looked just like the picture, and way hotter in real life.

"K-Keiji?" I perk up as he runs up to me.

"Y/n?" He smiles.

"It's you! I'm so glad to finally meet you!" I say shyly.

"Nice to meet you too." He grins, extending his arm and bowing dramatically. "M'lady."

"'Kaashi!" I giggle, taking his arm.

"So where do you wanna go?" He asks as we start walking.

"Let's get boba!" I say enthusiastically.

"Hell yeah!"

Life is good...

the m'lady thing always makes me think abt mlb chat noir haha (lowk love him tho) also if you ever see me write "lavender haze" in my writing yes im refrencing taylor swift hehe
anyways that took forever to write (like five days i think?) so i hope y'all liked it

gib me ideas pls 🫶🫶

have a good day/night🚑


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