Iced caramel latte (pt.2)

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(your pov)

"Hey Y/n?" Akaashi walked up to me. "I know you're studying but it's surprisingly busy and it's getting kinda tricky to manage."

"Want some help?" I grin, standing up and closing my laptop.

"Yeah, that'd be great." He smiled as I packed up my stuff.

I grab my tote, my coffee, and the now empty plate and rush to follow him to the back. He tells me to grab Bokuto's apron and take orders while he does the other stuff.

"Hi! What can I get for ya?" I say cheerfully as my first customer walks up to the counter. I feel nervous but whatever, it's just taking orders right? How bad could it be?

"One large strawberry milkshake and two chocolate chip cookies."The woman asks, not looking up from her phone.

"Yep! And is it dine in or take away?" I ask, punching in the order as Akaashi watches over my shoulder, packing a slice of oreo cake into a box.

"Take away." The woman says dryly.

"Right, cash or card?" I ask, hoping my smile hasn'y slipped yet.

"Card. Do you think I'm poor or something?" The woman mutters the second part of the sentence, sounding annoyed.

"Right away ma'am." I say through gritted teeth. "Please swipe the card. Thank you."

"Mhm. Hurry up sweetie, I've got business to attend to." The woman says haughtily, finally looking up from her phone to give me a snobbish look as she swipes her card.

"Mhm. Of course ma'am." I force a sweet smile. The card machine beeps after a few seconds of processing. Bold letters displayed on the screen. "Sorry ma'am, your card was declined?"

"What? That can't be! Try it again!" She says angrily. Turning red.

"Right away..." I swipe the card. Beep beep! "Ma'am it was declined? Maybe try a different card?" I try to keep the smugness out of my voice, probably failing.

"Ugh! Your machines broken!" She yelled, outraged.

"No ma'am. It really isn't." I hide a smirk. "So do you have another card?"

"Ugh nevermind! I'm leaving!" She scoffed, grabbing her card and tossing her head. "This place is horrible! Terrible customer service!"

"Or maybe the customers are terrible." I mutter as she leaves in a huff,, canceling the order on my machine.

"Drama queen isn't it?" A voice pipes up.

"Tell me about it..." I sigh, looking up with a smile. "What can I get you?"

"Could I get a regular iced caramel latte?" The girl asks. "Take away."

"Great taste! I love those." I grin. "Cash or card?"

"Cash please." She smiles. "And caramel lattes are the best!"

"You wanna know a secret?" I smile, leaning in as the order loads. "Oh and your total is 350 yen."

"Hm? What is it?" She asks, searching through her purse for the money.

"The special "Cloud iced caramel latte" is my personal order." I say as she passes me the money. "I'm friends with the guys that run this cafe. I don't even work here, I'm just filling in because one of 'em had to leave and it's too busy today."

"Wait really? That's cool!" The girl gasps. "Hey what's your name? You have insta?"

"Yeah, I'm Y/n. My user is *username*." I grin.

"'Kay. I'll follow you right now." She grinned.

"DM me!" I say, grabbing a cup. "Um, name for the order?"

"Akira Sota." The girl grins.

"Okay. See ya, Akira!" I grin, handing the named cup to Akaashi and telling him the order.

"See ya!"

It took a while but eventually the stream of customers calmed down and I was finally able to sit down with Akaashi for a break.

"You seem to be having fun hm?" Akaashi remarked as I sat down with a huff.

"Most customers are okay but that first woman and that old guy sucked!" I exclaim.  "Thanks for that by the way."

Some middle-aged man kept making perverted comments while I was serving him to the point Akaashi had to step in and nearly punched the guy in the face. He would've deserved it but if he had it would probably have gotten us a warning. We called the police instead.

"No problem. That bastard was way out of line." He said firmly."I was honestly boutta beat his ass."

"I could tell." I laugh.

By the time we closed shop I was completely exhausted, but overall it was pretty fun. I liked hanging out with Akaashi, even if the customers kinda pissed me off sometimes.

"Hey thanks for all your help today." Akaashi said as I came in from turning the sign.

"No problem. It was kinda fun actually." I grinned.

"You can help out more often then, I'm sure Bokuto would love that." He grinned. "If you start working with us part, or even full, time it would be a big help. You'd get paid of course but it's just an offer if you'd like."

not as romance heavy as i was gonna make it originally but idk ok i like akira so shes gonna appear a lil more often

have a good day/night💘


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