Iced caramel latte

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ok for this one akaashi and bokuto run a cafe tgt

(akaashi pov)

She visited every morning.

Every morning she'd walk through the door with a smile, greet me and my coworker and sit down at the same table. She'd order an iced caramel latte and a strawberry shortcake and sit for hours.

Eventually I started reserving that table just for her, since I knew she'd be coming in. I'd also premake her coffee and make sure we had strawberry shortcake in stock. She never failed to make me smile each morning, after a while I finally learnt her name.

L/n Y/n.

I love her name.

I opened the bakery today and made the usual caramel latte, glancing at the fridge to see if we had any strawberry shortcake. We always do so I wasn't surprised when I saw the five pieces sitting in the fridge, I take one and set it aside with the latte I just prepared. My coworker and best friend, Bokuto, walked in from the back entrance, tying his apron.

"You're late." I call to him.

"My bad man, I overslepted." He said, waving a hand.

"You did that yesterday, and the day before." I sigh. "Actually you haven't come in on time in two weeks."

"Sorry dude." He laughed. "Anyways it's fine! There's never any customers this early!"

"There is. Y/n?" I frown.

"Yeah but she doesn't really count. She's more our friend than customer." He shrugged. "Plus, I never serve her. And she prefers when you serve her anyways."

"Yeah well that's because you always mess up her order." The door opened with a ring of the bell.

"Oh hey Y/n! We were just talking about you!" Bokuto called as the h/c haired girl walked in.

"Hey Bo! Hey 'Kaashi!" She grinned, I smile at her use of our nicknames. Coined by her specifically.

"Hey N/n." I say, I can't keep an affectionate tone from slipping into my voice. It feels good to see her, I had a rough morning.

More specifically my cat pissed on my pants and my dog shit himself.

"Here's your ice cold caramel latte with two parts creamer and caramel cold foam." I say teasingly, setting the drink on her table.

The order came from one time she stayed back after closing and we made up a bunch of drinks, birthing the "Y/n special caramel latte™".

"Hey, shit tastes good okay?" She laughed, batting at me playfully.

"I'm not saying it isn't!" I laugh, going back behind the counter and letting her come and take the strawberry shortcake herself.

"Akaashi!" Bokuto yelled from the back.

"What!" I yell back as I watch Y/n struggle to get the cake onto her plate.

"I have to go. Something happened to my mom." He said, coming out while hurriedly taking off his apron and holding his phone to his ear.

"What what? What happened?" I ask, standing up straight. I know his mom, she's the sweetest person in the world.

"I dunno but I gotta go." He threw his apron at me. He said something into the phone, rushing to the door.

"Be safe!" Y/n calls as he bolts it out the door.

"I will!" He calls back, voice fading.

(a/n: his mom is fine guys dont worry)

"Oh gosh. I hope it's alright." Y/n sighs, slumping down onto the counter.

"Yeah, his mom is the sweetest person ever, I hope nothing bad happened." I let out a breath.

"I can help out if you'd like, since Bokuto isn't here." She offered.

"Only if it gets too busy." I say.


(your pov)

An hour of waiting by the phone and customers  coming in off and on later, I got a call from Bokuto.



"Bo is fine. His mom is fine. But he's gonna stay with her for the rest of the day." I relayed. "She just fell down the stairs and had a shock so she's fine now but he doesn't want her to fall again."

"Oh thank god!" He let out a sigh of relief.

"Yeah I know." I agreed.

The bell rang as another customer came in and Akaaehi rushed to go greet him.

I turn my focus back to my notes, I have to study today. I hate biology so damn much.

guys im gonna make a part 2 bc idk how to continue rn also this is lowkey a good idea so i might turn it (the premise) into a full story idk yet

Another part in a only day⁉️⁉️ das impressive of me🫣


i have summer break in june so if i do turn it into a full story then it'll probs be around then but there will be a lot more updates for this book then too so yay

also im planning on writing a (mha/bnha) todoroki x femoc story and maybe make a mha oneshot book so ya

the todoroki story will start coming out in may i think (i havent finished the seiries yet) so if you like him then keep your eyes peeled for that hehe

mha oneshots will be same time and will be any character (if i dont get suggestions itll prob be all todoroki and some bakugo so guys pls🙏)

(if you read all that thank you ily)

ily have a good night/day🥰


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