Get up!

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"Y/n get upppp." I feel someone pat my head as I shift over to my other side.

"Mm. Go away Keiji." I mumble, covering my head with the sheets.

"Get up love." He sighed. "We have things to do."

"Five more minutes..."

"Come on it's already 1:30!" He scolded.

"I'm sleepyyyy."

"That's because you slept at 4 am last night!"

"It's fineeee." I groan, curling into a ball as my boyfriend rips off the blanket.

"No, not fine! Come on!" He said.

"I'll kiss you if you get up." He says after a moment.

I consider it for a second, my sleepy brain prefers kisses anyways. I sit up slowly, rubbing my eyes.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." Keiji laughs at my disgruntled expression, kissing my head.

"Mm. Proper kiss." I tap my mouth with my finger.

He sighs and pecks my lips before frabbing my leg and dragging me to my feet. "Go brush your teeth and I'll give you a real kiss."


this short chapter was brought to you by my shitty sleep schedule😌
i wake up at 2pm on holidays/weekends bc i sleep at like 3am.




for the next akaashi book it will come out sometime in may

for the todoroki and mha oneshots it'll be late may to june (im in s4 and terrified but im trying my best to finish!)

im finally gonna start using a schedule!!

mon: akaashi oneshots
tues: akaashi new
wed: todoroki
thurs: mha oneshots
fri: akaashi oneshots
sat: akaashi new
sun: todoroki + mha oneshots

this schedule will only start once i start publishing the all three new books in may-june lmao but i thought i should put this here before i forget haha

i'll ask again at a later date but im gonna need help picking a name

rn ill just ask for the new akaashi book so comment or smth on whichever one you like best or comment diff ideas

1. cafe ___
2. caramel / caramel ___
3. strawberry heart/___

I'll ask later for the todoroki one too (i have some ideas (aka i alr started writing and brainstorming for it (aka i have the first few chapters done)))

i dont rlly expect anyone to reply but pls do it if you can it would rlly mean a lot and would be super helpful!!

have a good day/night💘


Akaashi Keiji x reader oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now