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(1st person your pov)

You know, I was never really a fan of prom, I'd always thought it was kind of boring, a waste of time. I had thought that, it was uneeded, without anyone to go with, what was the point. I would've gone still, if only just to make my friends happy. But now... I'm actually excited for it. Because of him. Because he asked me out.

Akaashi Keiji.

The stars in my dark night.

The light in the darkness.

Currently, I am sitting with my best friend, Mitsuki, doing my makeup while Mitsuki talked my ear off about her oh so amazing date. Yura. Personally, I never really thought Yura was that great. He was kind of cute? And he didn't seem that special otherwise. Eh, as long as he treated Mitsuki right I'm okay.

"Oh my god! You look great y/n!" Mitsuki exclaimed after finally shutting up about her boyfriend. (a/n: theyre adorable and i am so going to make this a thing)

"Hm? Really?" I asked, nervously.

"Of course! Literally stunning. Would marry, hundred percent." She grinned.

"Think Akaashi will like it?" I asked.

"If he doesn't I think he's blind." She offered.

We shared a laugh as I heard the doorbell ring. Putting down my makeup brush and standing up, I dusted imaginary dust off my dress, sparkly navy blue, and nearly ran to the door. Excitedly, I opened the door, revealing a very nervous Akaashi.

And I thought he couldn't get any hotter

Akaashi Keiji, in a dark blue suit was standing at my front door, holding a rose. Oh how the gods have blessed me.

"A-akaashi! Hi!" I stuttered, opening the door wider.

"Y/n... y-you look stunning." He murmured, passing me the rose.

"Not too bad yourself!" I smiled warmly, smelling the rose. It smelled warm, kind of like the sun, strangely.

"Hey! Is Mitsuki ready?" A voice asked from behind Akaashi. Yura.

"Yura!" Mitsuki squealed, barreling out the door, almost knocking me over.

"Hey babe. You ready to go?" Yura smiled, putting an arm around her.

"Mhm! How about you? y/n?" She asked, turning to look at me.

"You bet!" I grinned.

"Come on now, love." Akaashi said softly, taking my hand gently.

"O oh, th-thanks Akaashi." I stuttered, blushing.


"Huh? What?"

"Keiji. Call me Keiji." He smiled down at m.

"Okay, Keiji." I smiled back.

this one is pretty short but its ok ill make a part 2 and pretend its the same oneshot

have a good day/night🍓


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