Married life

17 0 0

this one takes place a few months after the wedding

(akaashi pov)

I sigh as I walk into the bedroom, seeing my wife still sleeping soundly in our bed. I'm not all that surprised.

"Y/n wake up." I sigh, smiling in amusement.

"Y/n love." I turn on the lights.

"Mm." She pulls the blankets over her head sleepily.

"Love wake up." I go to her side of the bed and sit on the floor, resting my head on the bed.

"Love. It's 2 pm." I deadpan, tapping her forehead.

"Mm..." She sighs heavily, opening her eyes slowly.

She jumps slightly when she sees my face mere inches away from hers.

"God, Keiji!" She groans, sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Don't scare me like that!"

"Sorry love." I shrug, hiding a smile as I stand up.

"Mmph." She rolls out of bed with a thump, yawning.

"Come and eat!" I call, walking out.

"I'm not hungry! Leave it on the table and I'll eat it later." She calls back from the bathroom.



"Hey! Y/n, put those chips back." I say as I catch her trying to put chips in the shopping cart.

"Whyyyyyy." She whines.

"Because we only came here for groceries, not snacks." I chuckle. "And you'll end up waiting two whole weeks to eat them anyways."

"You eat them too!" She pouts, pointing an accusatory finger at me.


"You can have one bag." I relent.

I do eat her chips.

"Hey can we get strawberry milk?" She asks happily, putting her chosen bag of chips in the cart.

"Only if I get to buy coffee." I shrug.



"Keiji where are the magnets?" Y/n pokes her head into my office room.

"Second cabinet on the right." I say without looking up.

"'Kay! Thanks." She turns to leave.

"Get me the biscuits in there too!" I call after her.

"Dokay!" I hear her call back.

A few seconds later she places the packet of biscuits on the table for me, kissing my cheek as she leans over to get a look at what I'm doing.

"What chapter is this?" She asks.

"Hundred and four." I tap my pen against my mouth. "The one where the side character confesses her love to the main character. I told you about it yesterday."

"Yeah and I remember you being very cringed out by it." She says, amused.

"It's so sappyyyy." I look up at her, pouting.

"You were sappy when you confessed to me." She pokes my cheek.

"Yeah well you're worth being sappy." I frown. "This main character is a dick."

"Wait the blonde one?" She laughs.

"Did you think it was the other one?" I ask.

"You made it sound like it was." She shrugs.

"My bad." I laugh.

"Well good luck with that." She pats my head with a chuckle.

"Ugh." I groan.

"You'll survive." She kisses my cheek again.



"Keiji come eat!" I hear Y/n call from what's probably the kitchen.

"Coming." I put down my pen and get up.

"Hey love." Y/n looks up with a smile as I enter the kitchen. She's stirring whatever's in the pan. "You finish your work for the day?"

"Yeah. I did." I go around to hug her from behind, kissing her cheek. "Whatcha cooking? It smells great."

"It's just katsu curry." She smiles.

"I love your katsu curry so I'm happy with that." I grin.

"I know you do." She says affectionately, holding out the spoon for me to try. "Careful, it's hot."

"You're such a good cook." I sigh happily, licking the curry off the wooden spoon.

"That's bullshit." She laughs. "You're way better than me at cooking."

"Not really." I mumble.

"Stop shitting me and go get the plates." She huffs, pushing me away slightly. "I'm almost done."

"Yeah yeah." I grin.

Life is good...

look i didnt forget to post!!!!!!!
(aint gon last long💀💀)

anyways as you could tell this was js a few different scenes of how life is for you and dearest akaashi
i might make a part for the acc wedding but idk yet how i would do that (i dont go to normal weddings ok the most i got is a chinese wedding and wedding dinner)
also i love strawberry milk so thats why i added that
strawberry milk>>>>>>🍓🍓🥛

um anyways

have a good day/night😘


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