The pickles

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(your pov)

"Ew, you like chicken sandwiches?" Akaashi
wrinkled his nose in mock disgust.

"Chicken sandwiches are amazing." I shrugged.

"These chicken sandwiches are what's making you fail science." He shook his head, tsking dramatically.

"No, Kei, I'm failing science because I don't pay attention. Got nothing to do with chicken sandwiches." I grinned.

"And you don't like pickles either." He lamented.

"That's right. You better order no pickles." I nudge him forward as the person in front of them moved.

"I can't believe I'm dating someone who likes chicken sandwiches and hates pickles." Akaashi joked.

"Ya love me anyways." I grinned.

"That's right." He smiled, kissing the top if my head.

"What would you like to order?" A very annoyed looking mcdonalds employee asked.


As he was ordering the food I made sure he ordered no pickles before zoning out. After a moment we both found a seat sat down and wait for the food. However, there was a slight problem with it.

"Hey! They forgot to take off the pickles!"

I heard Akaashi laugh.

"Don't laugh!"

"I'm not!" He protested, before going back to his normal slightly emotionless but caring expression. "Do you want me to go ask them to change your order?"

"It's ok, I'll still eat it." I shook your head, social anxiety getting the best of me.

"No, it's not." He frowned, taking the tray and standing up with as sigh.

"No wait 'kaashi!"

I watched as he went up to the same server as before and told her the problem. He probably scolded her, but I was too busy thinking about how amazing of a boyfriend Akaashi was.

"Here you go love." He said, sitting back down with a new chicken sandwich on the tray a little while later.

"Thanks, Keiji."

hehheheheehehhehe first one
cutie patootie

(im going back and adding in my classic outro thingy and a short a/n)

have a good day/night⭐️


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