49: Remember Me Part II

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147 years after the lie

"I say we strike before it becomes an issue." Acantha frowned towards me.

I only remained still in my seat, steeling my back against the still incessant pain. I focused on toying with a dagger as I stared at her. If I had it my way, I'd drive it straight through her heart.

She was a hateful bitch, far too consumed with the history of war with the rebels. She had no sympathy for them, no mercy for why they disagreed with Cylos's rule, no hope of coming to a peaceful resolution. If it were up to me, I'd just let them defect.

Why force them to live under our rule when it would only end in bloodshed?

"I think that's a bit preemptive." Xan frowned at her, his arms crossed over his chest, "The groups are spread wide across all three territories, and there has been no sign of communication between them- no sign that they are planning anything."

"If we leave it be, we are only allowing them to fester and grow." Acantha spit, "Adhira has never seen rebel numbers like this before, if you think it's a coincidence that they're suddenly making appearances now-you're both fools."

I rolled my eyes, "Just because a group of people dislike our King does not make them rebels, unless you're proposing that we make it law to only speak highly of him."

"Your lax approach is the exact reason why your territory is where the majority of them are, Runa." She hissed in my face.

"Sure, yeah. It's all my fault." I deadpanned.

It took a lot more effort than I would have liked to keep myself from growing angry. I would have loved to just threaten her and throw them both out on their asses, but I couldn't. Cylos did not have a wife or any children. The laws in Solarea deemed that the heir to the throne would be a chosen general in said situation, and Cylos had chosen Acantha. Which meant that technically, she outranked me. Which meant that if something happened to Cylos, I'd probably have to kill her just to avoid having to live with her as Queen.

Acantha's hazel eyes swarmed with something like hatred, "You have no excuse to be so ignorant. You fought in the last resurgence- you saw what they do."

"They are not some hive mind. They're people." I slammed my hands down on the table before her, all thoughts of remaining calm out the window, "And unless you can prove that they have actually done something harmful to the other citizens of my territory, I'm not sending soldiers over to slaughter innocents for their opinion. This is is my territory, and you have no jurisdiction here. The council and I have both deemed the factions a non-issue. If you have a problem with that, I'd suggest paying a visit to the Golden Palace."

I stood then, and she followed me- "I see the little starborn girl has finally grown some teeth."

"This meeting is over. I do not require assistance from the other territories on this matter. I will see you both when we report to our King in a month." I said through my teeth, turning to leave.

"It's not over." Acantha called after me.

"I have actual issues to deal with, not some made up bullshit you're using as an excuse to stick your nose into other peoples business." I whirled on her, "I wish you safe travels back to Astra."

I stormed from the meeting hall, my boots heavy on the still rain soaked ground. I just wanted to get out of this village, out of the radius where Acantha was. Away from the Ingysi, which always seemed to call me towards it. I was tired of its incessant buzzing, tired of meetings, tired of pretending to be this person.

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