1: The Pool of Starlight

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Somewhere down the bond, I could feel Rhysand trembling. Rage, pain, sorrow, perhaps all three. I didn't know, but I pressed myself closer into Tamlin's chest ignoring the way it all felt so wrong. Every part of my body yearned for that golden skin and the scent of wind, and the warmth of spring I'd once found comfort in felt like pins in my skin.

"Do it." Tamlin commanded to the king, and my gut twisted with hatred. My eyes shot to Rhys, the fear on my face not entirely part of my mask.

"No." His voice cracked, taking my heart with it.

I know you can hear me, A voice sounded in my mind, and I trembled.

Not Rhysand.

But Tamlin?

When he fires, you need to scream. Scream like you're being torn apart, and cover the tattoo on your arm.

I didn't have time to react before the King lifted his hand and a brilliant beam of power shot towards me. Closer and closer it crept, almost as if moving in slow motion. I braved myself for the inevitable pain, my body steeling. One last time, I sent a wave of love down that bond.

But it never came.

Half a second before the power reached us, Tamlin's hand braced in front of me. I watched, as the power was glamored to look as if it was piercing straight into my chest, but in reality it bounced off of some sort of shield in front of us. I didn't question his command, I just screamed. I threw my head back, violent screeches leaving my mouth. I could hear Rhys roaring, something like my name echoing through his sobs. The bond pulled tight between us, so tight that I thought it might snap, and I braced for that pain.

Nothing happened.

The light faded away, and the bond relaxed. Still there, still intact. I stilled my screaming, and let out a sigh of relief. I sagged against Tamlin, who dropped his glamour.

Rhys was panting on the floor, eyes wild, his entire body shaking. He crawled towards his brothers, whose blood pooled on the marble floor. Cassian was unconscious, but Azriel...

Azriel was wide awake, a shocked look on his face, his hazel eyes wide as he stared down at Rhys. 

I had never.... I had never seen him look so unnerved.

Tamlin pulled my attention away from my family as he grabbed my hand, and I put a glamour up immediately. He ripped the glove off, revealing the pale, empty skin beneath. We both knew what belonged there, and I suddenly realized that Tamlin was playing a game. Mor scrambled over to Rhys, pulling him off the ground, wiping Cassian's blood off of his face. I watched as she sobbed, as they both did.

Azriel just kept staring, that strange look on his face. He was no longer panting, no longer fighting the poison in his veins, no longer glaring at the King. He was stock still, looking far away.

"Thank you." Tamlin looked towards the king, nodding.

"You are free to go, Rhysand." The man waved his hand, "Your friend's poison is gone, however I am sure the other ones wings will be harder to fix. Good luck with that."

I spared them all one last glance. My family, the dreamers. For them, I could do this. For them, I could be strong. And they stared back, bloody, enraged faces. And below it, I knew that love lingered. I knew they heard me as I silently wished them goodbye.

Faster than light, Mor winnowed to my sisters. She ripped them from Lucien, disappearing in a mist of shadow. Rhys grabbed Cassian and Azriel, not even sparing me a second glance before he vanished.

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