16: Opposition

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A soft breeze ruffled the curtains as the sun broke over the mountain peaks surrounding Velaris. That soft scent of jasmine and life and all that was good and pure wafted through the air. I would lay here forever if I could, content and safe in the arms of my mate.

When Azriel slept, he always looked so young and innocent. The ravages of life and war weren't evident on his face. I remembered the first time I had woken up in his arms, the morning after my last starfall. I was just as entranced then as I was now, my heart simply bursting with love as I stared up at his face. His arms were like a steel cage around me, shielding me from the horrors that awaited us.

It was so tempting to just close my eyes again and block out the world, to drift back to sleep and succumb to the peace and safety that entrenched me. I tucked myself in closer, wrapping my arms around him, reveling in his scent, the way that bond felt utterly unbreakable between us. I slipped my hand under his shirt, my fingers lazily tracing patterns on his back.

"Tell me I'm not dreaming." His chest tumbled as he spoke, jarring me slightly. I had been so distracted I hadn't even noticed he was awake.

Still, I answered him, surprised by the gentleness that naturally took over my voice, "This is real, my love."

He let out a breath, his hand curling around my back as if he could pull me any closer. I shifted upward so my head was resting under his chin, placing a soft kiss to the hollow of his throat. His hands weaved themselves into my hair.

"I'm not sure I believe you." His voice curled in my ear, raspy from sleep, "You seem too good to be true."

A soft smile broke across my mouth, "Are you calling me a liar?"

"Never." He laughed, letting me go only enough to peer into my eyes, "I just can't believe you're here, or that you're mine."

I leaned up to press a kiss against his lips. His hand cupped my cheek, shadows lazily twirling over his fingers like a million tiny kisses on my skin. A warm feeling bloomed in my chest, like the rays of sunlight now beaming into the room. I pulled back from him, my own hands still swirling against the skin of his back, "Might as well get used to it, you're stuck with me now."

He ran a hand over my hair, voice soft and low, "You're making it very hard to get up."

"Then I guess we will just stay here forever." I answered through a yawn, lingering pain spreading through my arms as I stretched.

Azriel frowned, and I had a strong desire to kiss it off his face. "How are you feeling?"

"I'll live." I dismissed, settling back against his chest.

His hand slipped between us, two fingers under my chin. I raised my face to meet his reluctantly, that stern look he knew would make me answer on his face, "That's not what I asked you, Leur. I asked how you were feeling."

I sighed. Somehow I'd forgotten just how persistent he was, "My arms are sore." I admitted.

"That's all?" His eyes burned into mine.

I closed my eyes, trying to block out the memories that threatened to resurface. I wouldn't let them take this moment from me, not when I had waited so long.

"My head hurts, my throat is scratchy, and I'm hungry." I answered him, "Is that enough information for you, spymaster?"

A wry smile spread across his face, and then we were moving. His hands gripped my waist as he sat up, pulling me onto his lap, my legs wrapped instinctively around him. A laugh left my lips, and then he was kissing me. One quick on my lips, and then he was trailing down my neck, across my collarbone, onto my shoulder. Finally, he placed a line of kisses down my arm. I could have sworn the bones within completely healed themselves, the mending fractures disappearing under the grace of his lips. He trailed back up that arm, and then across my chest down the other arm. My breath was caught in my throat, all words escaping me as my mate worshipped the broken bits of my body. When he was done, he placed a kiss on my throat and another on my head.

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