33: Vicarious

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Stop fucking staring at her. I said into Lucien's mind, It's creepy.

He listened, but his eyes kept flicking over this way as he spoke to Cassian and Rhys about the plan to find Vassa. Elain was pretending not to notice his eyes on her, pretending to be unphased, not entirely convincing. At her side, Nesta looked somewhat like a feral dog ready to bite if he looked over at her sister one more time.

"I heard you like to garden?" I said to Elain, anything to draw her attention from the red headed male.

Brown eyes met mine, and she nodded, "I do. Is the house on the hill yours? The one with all of the lavender and lilacs."

I smiled at her, "That is the House of Song, and yes, it's where Azriel and I live."

"It's very beautiful." She commented, voice soft as a daisy, "It looks like sunshine."

"Even with my shitty gardening skills?" I teased, giving her a sly look.

And to my shock, the female who had been so lost just a few moments ago laughed. The quiet sound burst through the room like renewed hope.

"It's a bit chaotic, but that can be beautiful too." She said quietly.

Lucien was staring again.

Mother's tits, get a handle on yourself. I shot towards him, keeping my face calm and soft as I spoke to Elain.

"Would you like to show me the garden you've been working on here?" I offered.

If he was going to keep staring, then we would simply leave.

Come up to the House of Song tonight, I need to speak with you. I shielded the words as I sent them to him, We're going before you fuck up any chance you have with her over your staring problem.

Lucien threw me a glare, but I ignored it.

She stood with a nod, and I rose with her. Unsurprisingly, Nesta and Azriel followed us. Like two guard dogs at our backs, walking in sync next to each other.

Elain, even in the clouded haze I had just straightened out, had managed to make this courtyard look like a summer dream. Boxes of herbs tilted towards the sun, gathered into neat rows of green, ornate planters filled with an array of flowers, soft pinks and bright yellows. I didn't have a comparison to what it had looked like before, but Rhys never could have come up with something this beautiful and I doubted he had hired a gardener for this private, casual home.

"I think I might need to hire you." I said, walking around the open space, sunlight warm on my skin.

But Elain was still behind me, eyes trained on my hands as she said, "I saw them burn you."

Memories threatened to flash in my mind, at the feeling of oil dripping off my fingertips, the sound of two matches lighting in sync. In the shadow of a bench, Azriel had gone wholly still. I kept my face calm as I turned to her.

"Did they take your wings too?" She asked simply, eyes glancing to the absence of them at my back.

It took a lot more effort than I would have liked to keep myself from flinching, even after 500 years.

"No." I answered, keeping my face smooth and neutral as my fingertips brushed over the soft petals of a pink flower, "That was a lie."

"Can I see them?" Elain asked, taking a step in my direction. My brows furrowed as I turned to her.

"I have never seen a female with wings like the others." She explained softly, all the curiosity of a cat in her gaze.

In answer, I let my wings spread from my back. The leathery sound of them unfurling echoed with the sound of a babbling fountain. Elain only looked at them, head tilted as she stepped to my side. I let her examine them in whatever way she wanted to.

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