Authors Note

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Hi everyone!

I just wanted to thank everyone who has taken time out of their day to  read this story, who has commented and voted, who let me ramble to them about this character that came from my head. It's an amazing thing to have people care about my writing, and it means so very much to me that you do. I've had such a blast writing this story, and I cant wait to continue on in this world with all of you. 

For now, I want to let you know that I have been working on a timeline version of this story. So, I have arranged the chapters in the order of events if that sounds interesting to you, or you want to read through and see if there is anything you missed! Also, this book will have bonus chapters included that did not make the cut the first time around, placed in chronological order throughout as well! ALSO, I will be including other features too! Things like a map of Solarea and a page dedicated to information on it (because I know how hard it is to read world building and then remember it, and I'm also not very good at it), a name pronunciation guide for all of my OC's, ages, heights, and a bunch of other random things that I never got a chance to say or that are just fun. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all there, so expect it to be up sometime soon! I put the cover at the top so you all know what to look for!

And for future reference, there will be a sequel to this book that I am working on currently! For now, I'll let the main themes of it be a secret, but there just might be a surprise at the end of the timeline version waiting for you all! ;) 

(Special shoutout to @fxckmiup who has had to put up with my rambling way more than any person should! If you're looking for something to read in the interim, check out her story A Court of Rebirth and Salvation)

With that said, this story has been a complete journey and I really just wanted to take a moment to thank you guys and let you all know that I love you. You guys are my lights in the dark. 

See you soon!


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