73: Panic

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I felt it the moment Feyre appeared on the outskirts of the camp. I was up and moving before I could even bring myself to tell the others, running for her. I did not think I had ever felt so anxious as I did while they were gone, walking headfirst into enemy territory. I did not think my legs could carry me this fast as I careened towards them.

Two figures were standing there by the tree line. I could see Azriel's siphons glowing, and could see Feyre standing next to him with her wings held high behind her. Two females were thrown across each of Azriel's shoulders, most likely Elain and Leur.

I knew it was a bad idea for her to go.

Cassian was behind me with Nesta, Amren and Mor on each of my sides. It was relief, pure relief that shot through us all as we ran.

"Feyre!" I called out to her.

They weren't moving, I realized. They weren't running, weren't even walking towards us. They were not busy talking to each other or anything of the sort. No- they were just standing there, just standing and staring straight ahead.

I ditched the running, winnowing towards them instead. Feyre had tears running down her cheeks as she stood there, unmoving, unblinking. A look to Azriel showed him in about the same state, panic on his face. The female on his left shoulder was indeed Elain, albeit unconscious. But the other one, the female in the dark cloak with the black hair-

That was not Leur.

Her skin was too pale, adorned with no tattoos, no scars. Her stature was too long, legs too thin. I did not need to see the female's face to know that it was not my sister.

"Feyre," I turned back to my mate, gripping her reddened cheeks, "Where is Leur?"

She only stared straight ahead, something like shock or panic on her face. There was a wound on her shoulder, slowly leaking blood, but she was otherwise fine. I shook her a bit as I commanded her, "Look at me."

Slowly, blue-grey eyes rose to meet mine. That blank look inside of them remained as I held her cheeks. "You're alright, darling." I promised, "You're okay. Just tell me where Leur is."

Her lip quivered. She opened her mouth to speak, but no words came from her mouth. Only a strangled cry as she collapsed against my chest, sobbing. I pulled her close, shushing her as I looked at the others.

Cassian's face was pale as he took Elain from Azriel's shoulder, handing her gently to Nesta. Mor took the other female, a human woman I realized, who was covered in bruises.

Three go in, four come out.

That's what I had said.

Amren was in front of Azriel now, Feyre still crying against my chest. "Where is the Princess?" She said slowly, as if willing my sister's mate to answer her, a death promise in her every word.

Azriel had that look in his eye, that look that he always got when he was fighting. It was dark and wild, like a beast finally let loose from its leash. His voice was strained as he answered, "She stayed behind."

Cassian wasted no time. "And you fucking let her?" He growled.

"We didn't have a choice." Feyre lifted her head as she spoke, angry eyes turned on Cassian, "She made us go."

I reached into Feyre's mind, finding her shields a mess of rubble. It was normal, every inch of it, completely normal. Except for the lavender shadows repeating orders over and over again.


Do not look back.

Do not stop until you get back to the camp.

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