57: One Last Look

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There were no priestesses waiting to greet us as we walked into the library. Nothing but the dim lights and our footsteps in sync as we wound down the pathway, closer and closer to the darkness waiting below. It seemed to call us toward it, seemed as if it was waiting for us. Goosebumps spread across my skin as we walked.

"So, how exactly did you become... acquainted with this thing?" Amren whispered to Leur as she led us down the path.

The Princess stopped in her tracks, throwing Amren a pointed glare, "He is my friend."

"Right." Amren rolled her eyes as we began walking again, "Your friend."

"I got lonely quite often as a child when Rhys and Mor were away, and I am not afraid of the dark." Leur gave in answer, "He and I are the same, made of shadow."

I don't think Amren or I had an appropriate response to that, so we kept quiet. The approaching darkness swallowed us more and more as we descended. A ball of golden light appeared in Leur's hand, so similar to the one she had used to navigate through the Spring Court forest all those months ago.

I tried to imagine a smaller version of her, the little girl from the memories that Rhys had shown me. I imagined her wandering down here, all childlike innocence and lavender shadows swirling as she confronted the monster that had made the General of the Night Court flee in fear. We reached the bottom before I knew it, memories of the raven's screams echoing in my head, of Nesta's hand in mine as we huddled in terror.

"Hello, Bryaxis." Leur's ball of light vanished from her hand, leaving only the impenetrable darkness and our hands interlinked.

Princess. A voice, soft and loud, cold and warm all at once echoed. I felt it swirl around us, felt fear course through me at the memory of its face. What have you brought me?

"You remember our High Lady, Feyre." She answered, squeezing my hand for support, "And someone who is like you."

Interesting. The voice crooned, Your mate has not come?

"Azriel sends his regards." Leur laughed, "He couldn't make our visit today."

Pity. I enjoy his shadows.

Her melodic laugh mixed with something other. Something similar to laughter, but as if it could not make the sound of joy.

"We have a proposition for you." I spoke up, my voice level and calm.

Yes, High Lady? I could feel it turn to me, feel it just a breath from my face.

"There is a war fast approaching. We have come to see if you will fight with us if we release you from the binds holding you here." I offered.

A moment of silence, as if it was contemplating my words.

Finally, the voice spoke again. This enemy... it is the same one who harmed my Princess?

I blinked, trying to understand what I was hearing. Leur answered for me, "Yes."

Will I be allowed to hunt freely on the battlefield? Drink their fear until I am sated? I swore I could hear something like a smile in the voice as it spoke.

"Yes. I will also have my brother install a window for you in payment for your services afterwards." Leur's voice was bright, "I know you have been yearning for one."

Which brother? The High Lord or the one who fears me? The voice asked.

On Leur's other side, I heard Amren snicker.

"The High Lord." Leur answered, laughter in the melody of her voice, "I heard you were mean to Cassian."

Some fear the dark, Princess. I cannot help if your brother is one of them. It answered.

With that, I couldn't help but laugh as well.

"I suppose that is true." Leur sighed.

Perhaps this creature of nightmares wasn't entirely bad, perhaps Leur had tamed it.

When will we be going? Bryaxis asked.

"She will free you when the time comes, and explain what to do." Leur answered, motioning to Amren.

Then I will wait.

"I will see you soon, my friend." She responded to it, letting go of my hand to reach her own outwards. I swore I could sense something on the other end of her fingertips, a brush in the silence, a gesture of gratitude.

I look forward to fighting back to back with you, Princess.


"I suppose I could add a window for the poor thing." Rhys had shrugged when I told him of what Leur had promised.

I had changed into my fighting leathers, my hair tied back in an intricate braid as we waited for the others to arrive at the House of Song. It seemed so long ago that I had first stood in this very entryway, bringing Rhys to apologize to his sister after their argument. In reality, it had only been a week.

We were just waiting on Mor and Cassian to arrive now. Amren had chosen to stay behind for now, to look for more answers within the Book, figure out how to free Bryaxis, and to guard Velaris. Azriel and Leur were adjacent from us, his arms wrapped around her from behind as they stared out over the city. I took note of them, of the portrait I would paint of this moment. The two of them staring out over Velaris from their home on the mountaintop, the brilliant colors of sunset lighting up their faces and the violet flowers on the mountain below. Two heads of black hair, twin shadows, violet and hazel eyes filled with strength and determination as they said a final goodbye before war.

The love that seemed to echo down the mountainside.

Rhys followed my gaze, "This will be her first time back in Illyria."

His voice was solemn, worried. Memories of what she had shown us flashed in my head, of the shadow of Ramiel looming over her as she tried to breathe. Screaming echoing through the mountains, charred hands fisted into the earth below her.

"I think she will be alright." I answered him, forcing myself to believe it too.

His hands came around me, an echo of his wings stretching behind him. Violet eyes peered down at me, love shining deep within them, "So will we."

I reached up to cup his cheeks, his skin warm from the last dredges of sunlight beaming down on us. "We will see it all again." I promised.

Mor and Cassian had appeared, standing beside Leur and Azriel. The former had stepped from her mate's arms to hold his hand, a head of violet black hair resting on Mor's shoulder as Cassian loomed behind them both. Rhys and I went and joined them, taking in the sight of our city below with loving eyes. The waterfall rushing down the cliff combined with the music and sounds of Velaris drifted around us, the scent of lemon, jasmine, and the salt from the sea beyond. The first whispers of dusk appearing high above the mountain peaks.

For a moment, the six of us just stood there. We were not High Lords and High Ladies, not Princes and Princesses, not generals or warriors. We were not our titles, not our strengths or shortcomings.

We were simply brothers and sisters, saying goodbye to our home. 

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