76: The Last Meal

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It only took us two days to move the camp and evacuate as much of the human lands as necessary. We found that while we had been distracted, Hybern had been ripping through the small bit of land on the bottom of our island. Villages were up in smoke and overturned, humans fleeing for the continent in droves. Feyre's family estate had been utterly turned on its side, just a swath of rubble in an already destroyed landscape.

Nobody dared to voice it, but we all knew it was retaliation for what the Archeron sisters had taken from the King.

So, we'd built our camp right in the center of that old village- using enough wards to kill a person to hide ourselves and got to planning. The meeting had nearly lasted all day, all of the High Lord's minus Tamlin and Beron present alongside their generals and trusted inner courts. Battle plans were forged, formations laid out painstakingly for the attack, marching lines planned and mapped out. In the morning, we would attack while Hybern was still weakened from the explosion I had detonated in their camp. If we had any shot of winning, now was the time to strike.

All anyone was left to do as night fell was to pray to the Mother that we found a way to beat them.

Our family gathered in Rhys's tent afterwards, none of us knowing truly what to say. Tomorrow would be the final battle, the culmination of all of this. It had felt so fast in comparison to the last war, where the battles had raged for years and years. But here we were, at the precipice of the end, and there was no going back now.

"There's something else you need to know." I spoke up from my spot at Azriel's front.

"What now." Rhys sighed, rubbing his temples.

"If something happens to me, there is another way to disable the Cauldron." I explained.

My brother was unbelievably stressed, a line forming between his brows that I wasn't sure would go away unless we walked off that battlefield alive tomorrow.

"How?" Feyre spoke up.

I tapped my fingers against my leg as I spoke, "The spell that you tried to use the first time in Hybern is the same one I will use with the Apenati. But without it, the Cauldron will take the wielders life as repayment for its slumber."

"Tell me about it." Feyre hissed under her breath.

"There is another way though." I breathed, "The power can be spread among multiple people, so long as they are Made. That way there is enough life force that each of you can offer a piece of yours without dying from it."

Amren's eyes shot towards mine, and I could only pray she understood what I meant. I could only pray that she had read the last few pages of the book, and seen what could be done. Hopefully, it wouldn't need to come to that. Still, to never hurt to have a backup plan.

"Just in case, right?" Cassian looked at me sharply, knowing me far too well. The reality was that more so than the rest of us, my odds of survival come the morning were the lowest.

"Just in case." I echoed, turning towards my other brother, "And if that does not work, Rhys- you can try to wield the Apenati."

He blinked at me, violet eyes narrowed. I hoped he would understand that though he may not be starborn, the blade would still be better off being handled by someone from our bloodline than no one at all.

I received only a slight nod in confirmation before he waved his hand. The desks and bed in the center of the tent disappeared, only to be replaced by a round dining table laden with a heavy meal. Roast beef and chicken, spiced potatoes and vegetables, crocks of soup letting off drafts of steam, bread of all different shapes and varieties, and enough wine to kill us all. We all took seats silently, understanding what this was, understanding that this could be the last meal we all shared together.

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