47: Silver and Gold

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The outside training center of the House of Song had become a massive cave within the mountain. I hadn't entirely intended on doing so when I cast the spell that moved the house, it was just one of those magical quirks. It was something to be accounted for, the wild way that magic operated outside of a wielders control.

As a bonus, it also gave me a private place to train with Nesta. My shadows made me aware that she would not be too keen on training out in the open, where anyone could see. Her pride was too strong, and I understood why.

I was dressed head to toe in Illyrian leather, having just finished flight training with Feyre. She was certainly improving, though she still spent the majority of her time crashing into trees. Her persistence was impressive. However, unlike her sister, Nesta stood before me in a sheath of a gown made of blue velvet. I didn't want to make her uncomfortable and ask her to change, so I figured we'd just work around it.

I wanted her to at least be able to summon and expel her power if need be. One training session was not enough time to even get the basics of formal fight training in, so she'd have to rely on her power for battle. Hopefully, I could improve the faebane antidote that I gave Feyre before it was time to actually fight. It had taken her far too long to even get a hint of her power back.

"Okay, tell me what your power feels like." I started, leaning up against the cave wall as she stood in the center of the ring.

"I don't- it's hard to describe." Nesta frowned at me.

I nodded, pushing off the wall and walking over to her, "Can I show you what mine feel like? Maybe it will make it easier to discern yours."

Her brows furrowed, "How?"

"I'm going to flow a bit of my power into you, so you can get a sense of what it feels like." I offered.

She surveyed me, as if she was looking through down to my very soul to ensure I was telling the truth. I let her. I raised a hand to her, letting a hint of violet power swirl from around my fingertips.

I got a silent nod and an outstretched hand in response. Her skin was cool as I wrapped my hand around hers, pale lithe fingers curved over the raised skin of my own hands.

"So, my shadows feel like this." I let them drift across my skin over hers, like a chilled wind. "I think they feel like snowdrifts over my skin, and when I want to control them- I focus on that feeling and imagine them doing what I want."

She nodded, her eyes trained on the swirling marbled power drifting up her arm, "But I think Azriel's feel a little different. They're darker than my own, a bit stronger of a force to them. Less like a wind and more like a marble dragging across my skin." I pulled my own back, willing that pure whisp of black shadow to replace them.

Nesta nodded, "I feel the difference."

I pulled all of the shadows back to me, "Good. I also have the Night Court power. This will feel like a buzzing in your veins."

I let a bit of that violet force slip into her from my hand. She took a sharp intake of breath as I willed it to move through her.

"Is this what Rhys and Feyre's power feels like?" Nesta asked.

"Rhys's would feel very similar to mine because we are related, but everyone's magic is different. His manifests as black power, and mine manifests purple. His power would feel more intense as well, because he is the High Lord." I explained, "Feyre's power is Made from his, and it is strengthened by her status as High Lady. So hers is also very similar."

Nesta frowned down at the violet power trailing up my arms, "I don't like this one."

I smiled, pulling it back. "Okay, last one. My starlight feels like a beam pure light. It's warm and strong."

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