80: Entitled

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15 years ago

The Golden Palace looked as beautiful and obnoxious as ever.

Members of the Shield escorted me to the private dinner I had scheduled with the King. It seemed that in the City of Sunlight, the sun only set at the very last moment. In Adhira, the sun had already gone down.

Then again, Solarea was such a vast territory that it could be night in Adhira and still daytime for a few hours in Anil. More so, it was so far away from Prythian that it could be night here and daytime there. All except for a few sacred hours where the sun rose here before it set there, when the Ingysi was only passable in one direction.

Those were the hours I cherished most, when I felt like I was home again. Where I knew that my family had awoken for the day, where I knew they were out training or working or whatever it was that they did, where I could nearly feel Azriel down that lifeless, thin bond.

When I knew that they were still out there, even if they could not see me.

Cylos was waiting for me in one of the smaller dining rooms. It was one of the few places in the entire palace that was not purely gold. Instead, it was carved from the dark stone in which all of that metal had been mined from. Veins of it still ran through the walls, through the ceilings and floors. Rumor was that it was because of that invaluable metal, for how plentiful it was in the bedrocks of Anil and the other western territories, that Cylos's people had immigrated here in the first place.

"Leuruna." He stood as I entered, amber eyes lit with something like a smile, "You look wonderful today."

I had foregone my armor to opt for a gown. Purest black with veins of gold detailing all throughout it. It looked like something my mother would have designed.

I lowered myself into a gentle curtesy as I greeted him, "Always lovely to see you, your grace."

A complete, utter lie.

On the list of people I hated the most in this world, Cylos took the prime spot of number three. Second only to my father and the King of Hybern.

The servers gathered around, spooning heap cups of food onto our plates. I thanked them, Cylos did not.

"So, tell me why you have called this meeting." He spoke, focused on his food.

I just kept staring at him, willing my fork not to tremble in my hand as I gathered my thoughts. Everything hinged on this, my fate, the Ciatnens- along with my family and everyone in Prythian. Without this, none of us would survive.

In many ways, perhaps my entire life had led to this moment.

"There are a few things I would like to touch on, your grace." I smiled at him.

"Yes, yes." He nodded, "Though I must say I was extremely impressed with how quickly your forces handled the most recent rebel resurgence in Adhira. Such minimal loss of life- I am very impressed."

"Thank you, your majesty." I bowed my head.

"No need." He raised a hand, speaking with his mouth full, "Though, I may just send you down to Astra to employ some of those tactics on Acantha's forces. Seems that she could learn a thing or two."

"I'd be happy to, sir." I tapped the corner of my mouth with a napkin, "Perhaps we could view it as a trade."

Finally, his eyes rose to me. Blonde brows furrowed on his tan skin, "A trade?"

I took a deep breath, focusing on the air in my lungs, on the calmness it brought with it. "Sir, you are aware of my home- of where I am from."

He blinked at me, "Yes."

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