7: Bones

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3 years after the start of the first war

When I first arrived here, I thought that I would grow used to the darkness. The gloom that seemed to hang in the air here would fade into normalcy, and perhaps I wouldn't always feel the need to wretch every time I saw those pearly white bones littering the walls.

However, that feeling never went away.

If anything, it only seemed to grow worse as the days passed. The stone walls seemed to grow closer and closer, and all I could do was wait for the day they closed in on me. I spent most of my time wishing that he would send me to Prythian for reconnaissance, even if it was the freezing tundras of the Winter Court, if only I could stop feeling this way for a few moments. Hell, at this point, I'd gladly go to the continent if it got me away from here.

Despite how I felt, I made myself into a fixture of the throne room. The King had most of his conversations in here. A private setting would allow him to keep information under wraps, but what would he do without being able to sit on his throne and look down at us all?

I draped myself across the steps as usual, wearing a flowing grey gown that left very little to the imagination. A chill ran down my spine every time those black eyes trailed across me, and it was all I could do to keep my composure.

The commander he was speaking to had blonde hair, a scar across his mouth, and some kind of foul look in his blue eyes. He was begging for forgiveness after leading his troops into a trap set in the dunes of the Summer Court, one that I knew would be there, an idea I had slipped into his mind the last time he was here. Dagdan was standing across the room, no doubt searching for lies in the man's mind. My work was clean, and I knew he would find none. I tapped my fingers against the stone as I pretended to do the same, my shadows slowly creeping towards the man. I plastered a bored look on my face, even as the King snapped his neck with a flick of his wrist.

"Leuruna." He called to me, eyes grazing down at me. I flicked my eyes up to him, waiting for my command.

"Spend some time in the Summer Court, do what you need to. I'd like our forces in Adriata by the end of the week." He said, and I nodded in reply.

I stood from my position, offering him a silent bow before making my way towards the doors. His forces would be in Adriata soon, but not before the city was evacuated completely. I slipped from the room, making my way down the shadowy halls. I was so excited to go somewhere, anywhere but here, that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. I just needed to grab one thing from my quarters before leaving, when I nearly ran smack dab into someone.

"Watch where you're going." A deadly voice hissed at me. Midnight black eyes glared at me, narrow and curved, framed by two sharp brows. Blood red hair fell in a sheet around her face, down to her silver armor. On her arm, a familiar face stared at me with wild green eyes.

What the hell is he doing?

"Lovely to see you again, Amarantha." I let my face curl into a smirk, meeting her stare, "I see you've brought a friend."

"Get out of our way." The general hissed, her arm like a snake around Tamlin's. He was staring at me with an odd look on his face, something like fear in his eyes.

"Not so fast." I leaned against the wall, blocking her path with my wings, "You're in a particularly bad mood today."

"It's none of your damn business, brat." She snapped.

"Everything is my business, everywhere. Tell me, how's your sister doing with her human lover?" I egged her on.

I saw the anger flash in her eyes, but then she ignored me, face trained on Tamlin, "I cannot believe your father wanted you to marry this conniving little bitch."

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