60: Frost

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"You know, Illyrians are supposed to have naturally higher body temperatures." I  said through chattering teeth, "An adaptation for survival in the mountains."

Leur pressed herself closer to me, her melodic voice a low hiss, "I think that's complete and utter bullshit. I'm freezing my balls off."

"You don't have balls." I laughed, "Last I checked, at least."

Leur only huffed, "Of course I don't, they froze off."

Jurian, who apparently had been on our side the entire time, had given intel that Hybern planned to attack this Winter Court camp in the morning. I wasn't entirely sure I trusted the male, not with the new scar he had given me on my chest.

More so, he had warned that the weakest soldiers would be positioned on the left side of the battlefield. I was positive that they would use this winter storm as cover for their movements. So, if they were out here-so were we. And normally, we would be in shadow form where we couldn't feel the harsh, unrelenting cold. However, we could barely see a thing. The blizzard was so strong that I could barely make out the shapes of the Winter Court tents below us, beyond it the vast plane that would undoubtedly be used for the battlefield. So, we had to rely on our hearing for any intel.

We were bundled tight in layers upon layers of fur and leathers, a shield around us the only protection we risked. Without it, the cold winds would be utterly unbearable. Leur had made it nearly transparent, just the slightest shift in the air around us. Every few moments, I shook the snow off of it to ensure we wouldn't be seen. Still, the ice frosted upon it like glass, creating an iridescent array of swirling frost.

The storm will pass within ten minutes. Our shadows warned, They are close by.

Leur immediately relayed the intel from our shadows straight to Rhys. The Illyrian camp was glamoured in a ridge about ten miles behind us, Keir and his commanders on standby waiting to winnow the Darkbringer legions in at the command.

"We don't have long." I said, "You should get into shadow form."

"I know." She breathed against my chest. I brought up a gloved hand to rest on the back of her capped head, the only sign of her the dark black braids sticking out and the small slit revealing violet eyes.

"I love you." I pushed my forehead against hers as I spoke, pulling down the fabric wrapped over my face so she could see me.

"I'm so tired of war, Az." She sighed.

"I know, baby." I rubbed my arms over her back to warm her. It was all I could think to say.

She let out a long breath, the warm air dusting over my neck. Her eyes lifted to me, and I could see the worry residing there. We might have known they were coming, but it didn't mean that we weren't still deeply outnumbered by Hybern's forces.

"It's a good plan, Leur. We'll be fine." I reassured her.

"Of course it's a good plan." She huffed, "I came up with it."

I laughed, pressing a chaste kiss to her lips, "Exactly."

Footsteps echoed in the distance, heavy marching crunching through the snow. Leur's eyes met mine, and I nodded.

"I love you too." She whispered, and then faded into the shadows at my back.

They had chosen an utterly silent approach. If we hadn't known they were coming, we would have never identified the sound of their marching through the storm slowly fizzling out. I watched from the treetops as they appeared, legions upon legions of them spread out in a circle around the ravine where the Winter Court camp was being held.

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