90: The Dream

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The battle was over the moment the Cauldron had exploded with the King's final command. Any Hybern soldiers that had not already surrendered were rounded up by the Solarean armies and tossed right across that wall that we had all been holding up. We hadn't noticed any of it, had been too focused on keeping it all at bay. And then, after the Cauldron had been pieced back together, there was nothing left to do but to tend to the wounded and bury the bodies.

All the while, waiting to hear anything from Leur and Azriel.

Lucien and the other two Solarean commanders had already instructed their soldiers to set up a base camp. Not only had Leur and Azriel brought aid to the battle, but a relief team as well. A sea of golden tents had already been erected on the edges of the now scorn battlefield. Thousands of healers working, crates of medicine, water, food, and supplies we never could have dreamed of having. Their movements were practiced perfection as the wounded were gathered. A well oiled machine that our healers and workers could simply mesh right into.

There was no question of who you were to these people.

They did not blink twice if you were fae, human, or beast, did not care about tending to the Solarean soldiers first. Night had fallen and they had simply erected lanterns and balls of faelight, and just kept on working. If you were there and you were injured, they would help you. If you were there and you were thirsty, they gave you water. If you were there and you were hungry, they gave you food. No questions asked, no limits.

Simply just aid.

I wondered if that was Leur's doing, or if Solarea had simply always been this way.

Probably Leur.

It was somewhere in that sea of soldiers that I found Lucien.

Rhys was off somewhere trying to find Miryam and Drakon. Elain and Nesta were walking with me, the three of us looking for our father somewhere among these tents. Azriel had been the one to get him out, was the only one who knew where he had gone... and he was-

I couldn't think about it for too long.

Lucien was standing in the center of a group of soldiers, giving instructions on where they could build more tents when he caught sight of us.

Well, not of us, but of Elain.

But I could not help but to notice how different he looked. The male who was once my friend, who had been by my side through all of this. Not just a courtier or an emissary now, but something else. Taking the lead in the way I had never seen before, no matter how haggard and bloody he was.

And it seemed that I was not the only one who noticed.

I took a few steps forward and threw my arms around his neck, whispering my thanks in his ear for everything he had done.

"I've got one hell of a story for you." He answered me, "And don't be surprised if Vassa corners you as soon as she is sorted."

"Is she really-"

"Yes." He nodded, "But your father had already cut a deal with her keeper to come here. Temporarily but... it was better than nothing. I told them all where to go before I went to Solarea."

"The human queens are still out there." I said.

Maybe, I'd hunt them down.

"Not for long, if the firebird has anything to do with it." Lucien huffed.

"You sound like an acolyte." I rolled my eyes.

"She's got a foul temper and an even fouler mouth. You know, she kind of reminds me of Leur." Lucien shrugged, "You'll like her."

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